Disapearing Safehouses

*Description: At random occasions, random safehouses (except command bunkers) disappears from the map but the location icons are still there and seems to happen in specific regions (however can’t confirm). Happens at random times when exiting (haven’t noticed a difference when crashing) the game and starting it up.
*Steps To Reproduce:
I haven’t found a concrete example of when it decides to happen I only know that it involves leaving the world or crashing and then joining.
*Images / Videos:
*Host or Client:
I only experience this when playing alone or hosting, haven’t tried with joining
*Players in your game:
1, at occasions 2
Experienced on PS4 Slim

It’s an ongoing issue for allmost 1.5 years.

It may be another issue, @Quizzles107 mentions that safehouses are randomly disappearing which is different from the one where all safehouses are gone.

That’s why I haven’t merged the threads yet. :thinking:

It has always been that way.
For me it began with just one (Karl-Erik lighthouse), then a few and then all, but the command bunkers + Lennarts Marin. Currently it’s just some again in general. Some disappear more frequently than others.

Yep. Some of the safehouses you can reclaim and keep, f.i. Stenmyra. If I reclaim the airport during a session, a message pops up the next time I log on. ”Safehouse unlocked” the airport safehouse is gone and I start at the very first safehouse or if I quit to men in a safehouse that is not gone I’ll start there. The message pops up either way.

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