Disappearing schock shots

Platform: PC, Win 10 Pro 21H1

Description: In some games shock ammo stop working. The missile simply disappears instead of sticking and creating those arcs (don’t get me started on the physics there :wink: )

Steps To Reproduce: Load shock ammo and shoot at a target. Most of the time it works as it should, other times it doesn’t.

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: Exclusively Client

Players in your game: Molex, JBL in this particular game

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v3 @ 3.50GHz
32.0 GB RAM
1Tb nvme m.2 SSD
GeForce GTX 1060 6Gb
Windows 10 Pro 21H1 build 19043.1526
350mbps internet

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I can confirm that they disappeared most times before the update, too.

Not all of them and not every time, but often.

Sometimes it is very frustrating if you placed a trap with shock ammo and get shocked a few moments later because the trap was already there but not visible.


Right, just to chip in here. There’s not constant tracking on every single shock round.

It depends on what ammo type you are using, but the rounds will get to a certain shock round count, then any additional shot will cancel out any previous shock rounds.

Best way to visualise it, is to shoot a line of shock rounds in front of you, then shoot next to it and you will see the first set of shock ammo disappear making way for the new rounds.

Yes indeed, but they can disappear even if you just place a shock line of two shots. So that it’s just invisible but still there.

That is normal behaviour. What I’m talking about is when every shot disappears and so do not form any arcs at all. Sorry if that was unclear. This is what one shot looks like when it works right. In some games this “dart” does not materialize and no arcs are formed.

Got ya, I’ll run a few rounds this evening - can’t say I’ve noticed this on XB, but I’ll tag back.


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I also didn’t had issues with the shock ammo / arc missing.

I can’t upload a video here, but I can tag you in the discord if you want some visuals.

In essence, yes you are correct it doesn’t string every round. It’s not specific to location, wall, walkway, rocks etc - but it’s a few rounds at best get lost in the sequence. From a 25 Mag, losing 4-7 arc strings rounds per clip. Like Bert said, not something I also noticed - but good spot regardless.

There may be something behind using the XK17 - and the EMP effect put on those rounds - counteracting the effect of the shock round itself. Maybe

Ok, cheers for that, but the issue only happens occasionally and is an issue where not a single shock shot registers as a shock shot. In other words, you could empty an entire gold LMG mag of shock ammo and there isn’t a single arc, ever. Amazed if its only me that have experienced it :smiley:

Wow ok, no never ever had a full clip firing blanks. That is very odd, try getting a recording - may need to flag that one to the bug crushing team.

I know this is an old post, but it is also an old bug. Shock ammo just stops working. It’s like you don’t have anything but blanks but there is some damage, less than the same damage caused by the Kote rifle. But the PVG90 AP/FMJ rounds were also not doing much damage last night. It normally doesn’t take 12 AP rounds to take down a military runner. Could say it was poor shooting but dozens of the runners and they all were taking the same number of rounds.

Seems you have to exit this game a few times every time you want to play it and hope each restart it has less bugs than the last restart.


That might be related to a nearby FNIX control point as it tends to have an influence on machines’ behaviour and seems to make them near indestructible. :man_shrugging:
Just a thought. ymmv

It was in the marshlands near a Soviet site and fighting the reaper.

Doesn’t matter, exiting the game and restarting fixed the bug. But who wants to exit a game, lose all EXP points gained, just to fix a bug that shouldn’t be there in a game that is as old as GZ is. With updates mostly adding new content and more bugs with very few fixes. Not to mention pay DLCs popping out faster than any game patches.

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