Doors locked on wooden shed at Måsskär Radar Station

Platform: PC

Description: Both doors to the wooden shed at Måsskär Radar Station are locked. There is a gnome inside and between January and February updates there was a camp, with tents, cars and trucks (I think this had to do with bicycle race things that accidentally got through to official release).

Steps To Reproduce: Go to Måsskär Radar Station and try to interact with the doors.

Host or Client: Host

Players in your game: 1

Specifications: i5 4670K, 16G RAM, GTX 1070


Can confirm. Also on PC, win10.
My doors are also locked and all the Jan patch devbuild additions to måsskär are now gone.

sidenot: If youre still in need of the gnome, inside the now locked shed, you can jump and shoot it from the windows to get credit.

edit* Went back now and the doors now show as interactable and the open door bar loads instead of showing “locked” but the doors stay closed.