Dynamic lightning strikes

You know, for a near realistic, accurate, dynamic weather, I’ve always wondered how there are no lightning strikes occurring during the rain storms, even though there’s very much lightning and thundering going off in the clouds. They’d be great asset that would make the combat during stormy weathers more interesting, with a chance of a lightning strike to hit either the machine, disabling it momentarily, or completely frying it if it’s a small one, or if it strikes the player, similarly killing or stunning them momentarily.

So how come something so obvious as lightning strikes during thunderstorms got overlooked and missed out when the entire weather system got so much attention to be as immersive as it is?

I think it’s good as it is.
Thunderstroms or lightningstrikes sound cool, but how often should they happen? Wouldn’t it be somehow unrealistic If they would happen too often?

That’s probably up to the devs, whether they’d treat it as somewhat realistic thing where it has a chance to happen at random, albeit more probably that it would strike a bigger machine, considering what they are, during a thunder storm. Or they’d treat it as an actual gameplay mechanic that can be used in combat, per chance if it happens and where it strikes, and at what rate, as in the example I’ve put out.

I’m very impressed by the lightning I saw a few times. Só beautifully done!
Really impressive lightning strikes during thunderstorms at night, which illuminated part of the forest.

I agree very much on that, the weather is single-handedly one of the most impressive and immersive one I’ve ever seen in a game. Which is pretty much what got me thinking, and then led me to wonder why there’s no lighting strikes that can occur during the gameplay, especially with the machines being talking, grumbling heaps of electrical wiring and metal - an ideal lighting rod for lightning to strike.

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It got me now thinking about an experimental equipment which could be part of a new resistance DLC pack for example.

An unfoldable teslacoil / a lightning guidance system.

It could be placed like a (homing) turret and unfolds itself to a high antenna-like machine. If a lightning occurs, it is caught by the antenna which guides it towards nearby enemy machines (within a certain radius, maybe 50 meters)… Or if you’re unlucky and no greater machine is nearby, it guides the lightnings towards a player.

Imagine them as a defensive system which can be used during rainy conditions.

One lightning guidance system may catch up to 3 lightnings. If you place more than just one the effect becomes even greater because they share the lightnings and split them into multiple ones.

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