Eastern European Weapons pack ammo problem

For RPG rounds, the best source of dropped amounts are Firebirds. The salvage skill increases amounts from tanks and ammo boxes.

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That is true. I sometimes go on a Firebird cull, but otherwise I just make them. Itā€™s only steel and explosive and Iā€™ve a ton of that! I only take one salvage point now in order to get to the explosive force and area (which is a fab skillset). They say the blast radius only goes up by 30%, but it looks a lot more like 100% to me!

Iā€™ve never seen them, but I saw in a YouTube vid someone find a portable homing turret in a toolbox! I made a comment and he did reply, and apparently itā€™s regular for him. Who knows?

I do find arrows, but never the itemsā€¦

Can you post the video here? Or send me a PM?

I forgot about those, yes arrows are easy to find, the items however are very rare, and if you dont have some in inventory they will never be found at all.

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Oh bless you - I donā€™t remember where I saw it, or when. I have an idea it was one of the Americans - not funny ones like Neebs Gaming, but playing alone. He found it in a toolbox in a garage, I think.

Crafted DLC items can not be found in common loot containers. Though you used to be able to put items into them, so thatā€™s probably what happened.

Regarding the topic of the report, this is something I reported internally when testing the first weapon DLCā€™s, and I made a note of that devs should confirm when they add new guns to the game that the appropriate ammo will drop for them.

Maybe that got lost in translation, it was a while ago. But this issue has cropped up since then.

  1. That was long before the DLC.
  2. If a DLC Item was dropped into a container before that changed, it would have been replaced by fresh loot in the meantime.

Maybe another player or the player him/herself dropped the item and returned to the backpack just short after that and picked it up?

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Good point.

I do seem to recall seeing it in a Neebs Gaming episode as well.
But, all of this is pretty off-topic.


So it was Uncle Thickā€™s fault? :grin:

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