Eastern European Weapons Pack - Coming Soon

Unfortunately, there are no unique attachments except extended mags.

The Mosin takes a scope - Wired Gaming showed that.

However, the question is which scopes it accepts, as he only adds a 1-4x - I would like to see at least 6-12x scope.

It takes 1-4 and 4-8 at least. I didn’t try 6-12 and red dot.

The skorpion is worth it, finally a way to expend all that .32 ammo quickly, a drum mag would have been nice since the ext mag size is small and when you find it you’ll likely have better stuff already, but I also love how it accepts all attachments. Vintovka is a gimmick imo and the LMG does LMG things, which means it’s only outclassed by some experimentals.

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Ah, I didn’ t know that

  1. Is there a golden COM-10 in the game? I’ve been looking for a very long time. (Maybe someone has an extra one? =))
  2. I hope the new weapons from the DLC also exist 5 stars.
    PS: Algstudsare dropped out after an hour of play =)

Every gun gets 5c, unsurprisingly

These are the only 5 types of weapons that I have without gold… the collection will soon be ready for 100% xD

I sent to the grinder 2 purple COM-10, 1 golden COM-10 , 2 golden Com-10 silencers and 1 golden extended Com-10 mag yesterday during a Hard base defense mission.
Try your luck there, just make sure you have enough resources to fix your base…you are going to need it.

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anyone managed to find a 5c mosin yet? Been looking for hours seem the drop chance is extremely low or non existent

Nope, people cant find the 5c. Pontus should be bringing this up with the team.

The 5C Vintovka (Mosin) drops from Rank C Firebirds, it’s been confirmed in this thread.

Victory! We are waiting for a new DLC! =D



Was it from a Rival - or generic Firebird

I searched for these weapons, and no one is dropping. I didn’t get any attachment. But, the good part is that the dropping rate will be fixed soon

I finally got my 5c PM-71! It dropped from the Firebird.

Got 2 of those in just 1 hour. Dropped from Apoc Tanks in my case. :blush:

Seems I found a unicorn … :sunglasses:

I guess I also killed nearly 100 Spets Firebirds to get it. :grimacing:

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Is it correct that the current Eastern European Weapons Pack Drops are as follows?
Volkov, Hunter
Vosa vz. 68, Harvester (Wolf too?)
PM-71, Tank
Vintovka 1891, Firebird

With the exception of Firebird, which drops all Eastern European Weapons and attachments.
If you were looking for 5C Vintovka 1891 and beat Firebird, you would have them all…

Thisbis correct yes but Wolf for now drops no DLC weapons, when the next update drops itll also drop the Vintovka, aka the Mosin.