Endgame content is vital for a "grind-game" genre

Still, we can share opinions, right? :wink:

Interesting, I never saw Generation Zero as “grind-game”. I always thought of it more as a environmental narrative/detective game and a tactical shooter. A bit like “Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture” with combat.

That said, I had an idea floating around for quite some time. I think it would be awesome if they made a DLC that uses the “Frontline” from Just Cause 4.
The military returns from the mainland in full force and together with the resistance, you take back Östertörn.

I mean, it’s not a realistic idea I’m afraid, but I think I’d like it.


That would give even more NPC’s… :frowning:
Well, unless they get brutally slaughtered, for me, it would be a no…

Thank you.

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