Equipment deleted after transfer to player inventory (Reaper)

I have a similiar problem but not with rivals, but specific weapons.
I am unable to pick up Revolvers of the ground like a user earlier reported.
But also specific loot from random dead machines will be deleted on pick up.
I noticed this happening with two golden Vosas and one purple Resistance Bow.

I started with this game two days ago and experienced the same on multiplayer against Reapers (tried out 6). I couldnt pick up revolvers on singleplayer. Nobody knows how often this happens with normal “containers” like enemies.

This is a really serious bug. I wanted to start this game with two friends today. But if I tell them, that the looting in a lootshooter is broken, they will definetely want to play something else.

I don’t care for dlcs right now, since they seem to be broken. Please fix the core of the game asap.


Haven’t tested a reaper yet, but for rivals I can’t say to have any issues.

Picked up an exp Älgstudsare, Kpist and another experimental weapon from two rivals yesterday. I opened the rivals container, selected all used ammo, some apparel, some ressources and the experimental weapons to pick up and closed the loot container. (not one by one)

Nothing disappeared.

Me and my buddy are farming rivals and experimental weapons and they are not appearing in our inventories and med kits and adrenaline shots are disappearing as well

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Have the same issue on steam tho it doesnt mather which enemy the weapons i Loot sometimes just vanish same goes for attachments it Gotten so worse that i stopped playing for now till its fixed cause its just annoying farming for a weapon in my case the mosin getting it and then it just vanishes

I can confirm this problem im having it myself on playstation

Edit: i have this problem only with the reaper.

I tryed both with the same result


i have a problem in the last few weeks or so i have bin doing the reaper like 10 times and every time i get no loot.
It is showen in the reapers inventory but when i pick it up it just vanishes this was every time i did him.
But it works fine with the outher enemis it is only the reaper.

I hope someone can help me.


Moved to main thread covering the issue.


Plataforma: PC

Descripción: Derrote a Tanatos pero su loot al recogerlo desaparecio

Pasos para reproducir: todo el combate contra The reaper fue usar subfusil, Pvg experimental y lanza cohetes, cuando era el momento de recoger el looteo desaparecio el loot como si nunca lo hubiera tomado

Imágenes / Vídeos: tengo una foto pero no me deja subirla

Anfitrión o Cliente: mi mundo

Jugadores en tu juego: solo yo

Especificaciones: ryzen 5 5300, 16 ram, rtx 1650

Moved to main thread covering the issue.


I farmed reapers and lost these experimental straight after grabbing them
Experimental Glock
Experimental ag4
Experimental rpg

Moved to main thread covering the issue.

Please don’t necro old threads.


Have exactly the same here.

For the past couple weeks i’ve killed numerous Reapers, some on someone else’s host, some (well, most) just playing by myself solo and same result always: loot is showing on Reaper but doesn’t get transfered to player character.

I know i have pretty good nerves but after this s+++show of killing dozens of Reapers, i’m most likely to abandon the game pretty soon.

Just my 2 angry cents.

I play on PlayStation. I’ve successfully killed the reaper atleast 5 times now and only ever received loot once , the recent ones have been giving me experimental but no matter what I do when I pick them up they vanish. I’ve tried a few things off the forums but nothing helps.

Moved to main thread covering the issue. Are you on Playstation? Afaik, Sony has yet to approve the latest update that fixes this issue on all other platforms.


If you are an end player and just grinding for reapers, I started to farm my regions to the way I like them, no rivals and high region levels. Let the reaper spawn and leave it alone as much as possible. Just an option before you run out of resources.

Since the hot fix for this I have had no problem (PC/Steam)

I have had the same problem just now on ps4 after killing the Reaper has happened twice today. This was while I was playing solo.

I think this is only happening if u try to loot the Reaper because when I loot rivals it’s fine but when I try to loot the Reaper it just disappears.

It already was said that it is caused by apparel in the loot you already have.
Since there always is a piece of an experimental apparel in the loot of a reaper, it always happens there when taking all of the loot.

For other rivals it may happen, too, if there also is a piece of apparel in the loot.

It was fixed for steam and xbox with the last hotfix and should be fixed for all after the next update.