Even more graphical downgrades (STOP) SHOWDOWN

Not really.
Every screenshot you take can be downloaded in the PS App.

Maybe i’ll take a look at the location later.

Is this real?

I have been noticing lately that the game is alot more tiering for my eyes to play, i thought i was just tired.

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Mod support would fr keep GZ going after the final update


Rendering distance is a isue and I think most of it been told above.
But, a snowball has a bigger chance to survive in hell then me doing this again.


I’m not yet sure where you mean.
If I watch out of the churchs tower towards south, most I can see are trees.

I spotted some machines at a range of 230-250m, but the spot I’m guessing you mean, can’t really be seen due to trees.

This is the map with me looking towards the gas station in the south/south west.

This is what you see there.

Turn on your IR optics filter. Any machines become a bit more targetable, if you know what you’re looking for. I’ve managed to hit Runners and Ticks at that distance by looking for the bright spots. It helps to have a bait partner luring them into more open areas, but you can solo them if the draw distance allows you. And sight all the way in with the x8/X16 Sniper scope. I recommend the PVG90 for one shot kills. Mine were made with the Experimental, but I have since moved to a 5C modded with Scope Scout and Disarm because my fire team likes to neuter machines before we kill them. My partner uses a SMG modded with Unstoppashells so they can’t hide behind walls. OPV and IR are good for that, as is my Scope Scout for highlighting them from a distance so he can let them drink from the firehose.

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Rendering distance is a issue yes, but no one actually killed anything at such a distance (2.66km), that was a bug.
My longest kill shot is something like 1 km and something and its from a bug too.
When in fact my max kill shot was at 500 or 600 meters, and that was before when you could see machines at such a distance, now even at 400 in many places you just cant see them.

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It wasn’t a bug, it was pure luck spaming the m/49 rocket launcher up against the sky towards the direction where my co-op friend was fighting a harvester and companions.

My longest kill before that was above 1.4km done from the top of Rusaberget with Exprimental PVG90 and 8x-16x scope. And for anyone that wonder “How do I…”, just play co-op!
Don’t know how the reduced rendering affects visibility now but before you got machines rendering on further distance when your co-op friends was runing around.
We also did several test with our graphics cards settings for the ultimate GZ experience. Was no doubt that the one with best gpu got the best rendering and details with same settings, but also those 3060 cards with different amount of video memory gave different results. So more VRAM improved things too.

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Yes it has indeed been tampered with. i remember seeing the whole town of Östervik in lower quality from the archipelago. But now it’s just lights floating mid air representing a town now gone due to render distance nerfs, that’s all you can see now of Östervik from a distance at night.


It sure is real. but back in much earlier version of the game, it wasn’t like this.


I made a few tests last night, and my partner and I determined several things.

  1. Record kill distances aren’t set by any particular character or world, but are account wide.

  2. The bell tower is no longer a decent sniping location, with or without IR tracking.

  3. The campsite safehouse on the mountain next to the town has a vantage point of being able to see all the way to the athletics field on the far south west corner, but the draw distance for anything is pathetically short and so all you can see are the static lights that aren’t drawn in as part of the decals, but are permanent assets affixed to the terrain. This is also why you can see the lights of Ostervik from the Archipelago islands, but not the town anymore.

  4. When my partner fast traveled to the Kaptensvillan safehouse and headed to the athletics field, I could see them, but nothing around them. The machines he was seeing weren’t being drawn for me, so piggybacking off his renders wasn’t possible anymore.

  5. This means getting a 350m+ kill is nearly impossible anymore, or at least as rare as making it through a week without the FMTEL giving you a 2pt Hard mission.

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