EXP Algstudsare sights

Ive noticed the distance for the 2 aiming reticles seem to be off in terms of distance fired.
When using the aiming sights it seems to be a couple of meters farther than when using the hipfire sight.

Either way, both is stupid.
Aiming isn’t really possible, like with the g79 grenadelauncher, because you’re always aiming with the gun.

With a grenadelauncher, what the exp älgstudsare is or at least how it works like, you always have to aim at the target while moving the gun up or down. And that’s not possible in GZ.

There are more topics covering that issue.

They always were. I thought there had been some sort of fix but probably not. Anyways, looking down sights is pointless at longer ranges as it occludes the target.
If you use the indents at 30m intervals you won’t be far off.

i would like to see attachment that looks a little like this added at the end of the exp-algstudsare, :pensive: the longer the bullet is out of the gun, the more power it has, attaching this would allow to shoot enemies up close with strong firepower, image

If a bullet would ever be able to “fly” through this…, it currently looks more like a sucide attachment. :crazy_face:

there’s a stronger material :neutral_face: it should do alright building up some firepower