Experimental pvg a bit too powerful

Yeah this is a longstanding issue. Weapon/ammo weight and handling balancing is long overdue. No way you can sprint as fast while carrying a slab of a rifle like that, or aim down sights that quick, or switch stance. Firing from standing or crouching should come with extreme sway and stamina penalties, switching to it should take at least 3 seconds. For the same reasons SMGs and ARs are outclassed by LMGs is that they all handle the same, weigh the same and have no noticeable downsides.

Thatā€™s true in reality, but also no way, can you run with a 96 kilo backpack on a steady pace forever without getting so exhausted that you need to rest. Nor can you switch out 8 different guns you have on your shoulder or in the backpack as quickly as we can now. Also no way, you canā€™t have everything ordered in the backpack one way, and at the press of a button have it ordered another way.

But in a game we can. This is not a game where everything needs to be measured to how things work in the real world. And if a game does make it be more like reality, people no doubt will resort to all kinds of weight / stamina mods, which in return can mess up the game causing bugs and crashes, for which the studio get then gets blamed.

Time for :coffee:


I am sorry but I am on the band wagon of leave the PVG alone. It is the best sniper weapon and it is useful as a sniper weapon. But it really sucks when you are in a close range fight, which you can not hip shot the PVG very well with any kind of accuracy. Then you get swarmed by multiple machines in a very close range battle. PVG would be the last weapon of choice for me. It is NOT the best weapon for all scenarios. You have to use different weapons to play and come out most successful.

Can you stand on a hillside and pick machines off without them engaging, yes! But same can be said when the hunters, runners and lynx are all bunched up. And hit them with almost any rocket or grenade in the center and you destroy all of them with a single blast or two. Should a player not use the explosives in the game because another player in the co-op wants to use his pistol, or his bat/hammer, to try and destroy them all one at a time?

And as a sniper rifle, you have to know where to aim on a machine to destroy it. If you hit a non-weak point on even a runner it is not a single shot. And it may take several hits to destroy even a seeker if not hit in the right spot. Some skill on WHERE to hit a machine is also needed when the .50 cal round can just punch through a leg or arm of a machine with very little damage. But that goes for all weapons we use.

Leave the weight of the weapons and the power of the exp PVG alone.


I agree with the power of the PVG, but not necessarly with the weapons weights.

I think, if there is a weight system, it should be used senseful. Not necessarly realistic, but at least with feelable differences.
But thatā€™s another topicā€¦

No, but some weapons are in dire need of balancing. Having only upsides and no downsides is imbalanced, weapons do not feel different in handling. I use both game balance and realism in my approach, it needs to make sense in both aspects for immersion and gameplay.

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We are in dire need of new content. :wink:

And yet, you seem OK with a carry capacity of 96 kilo and still be able to run endlessly, the instant magical backpack sorting, the quick switching weapons, etc. none of which add to immersion.

Experimental weapons are supposed to be powerful, the only reason half of them suck is due to some weird dev logic.
The Exp PVG is good the way it is.
I used the normal PVG in the last months when i played the game.
It makes things harder, i suggest anyone to do the same if they think the Exp PVG is too powerful.


This statement would have merit if Gen Zero was some sort of simulator type game. But it is not. You are a teenager during the whole game that is not in the military and you destroy/ defeat machines that Sweden and Soviet forces were wiped off the island. The military had use of tanks and jet aircraft , would expect better trained at warfare and were defeated. Even had strongholds, bunkers and bigger guns than your mere teenage companions have. And not sure where robotics or AI was at in the late 80s but my parents said nothing about robots running around anywhere.

but lets go back to that statement, YOU do not have to use the level 6 PVG and set YOUR game up the way you want to playā€¦but why should everyone else also play it your way?

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Yes, because it does support the core gameplay, weapons being better than other weapons in any aspect does not. Nobody wants to spend hours sorting inventory or have to run back to base when fighting a machien due to ammo running out, but having to make loadout choices is in the line with a good idea about what balancing should be. For the very same reason the Homing turret was given a weight of 4, to make bringing multiple a choice that the player has to leave other stuff in the plundra for.

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The PVG is not better in ALL aspects, it isnā€™t very useful in close combat. Thatā€™s why it is only used for specific tasks. And the EXP PVG also makes an irritating noise. :wink:


Itā€™s a matter of skill.
If I see tenebris using quickscopingā€¦ Itā€™s awesome.

And you can also use the pvg without a scope for close combat.

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the cannon weapon the hunters are carrying can be shoot off, I only wish we could pick it up and shoot it

Itā€™s an experimental PVG (without scope). Just take a closer look.

Itā€™s deadlier than any shotgun is CQB since you can just tap the ADS button to quickscope or have a backup PvG without scope. I agree if there is a sich where you are surrounded by dozens of ticks an EMP grenade would be more useful, but that doesnā€™t come up so often, especially since if you are using a PvG most targets die long before they reach you :smiley:

What iā€™d do is instead of nerfing one weapon, buff every other weapon including the non-experimentals up to the standard that the exp-PVG has established.

Iā€™m a little late to this post but just an ideaā€¦

What if the development team made an option to disable experimental weapons all together in a server. So those who want the more classic PEW PEW can keep that. While others can use anything they like. Just create an option like the ā€œdisable building/dismantleā€ option used for bases but for experimental weapons.

That would be a easy fix for those who have an issue with what they call ā€œbalanceā€ between the two types of weaponry.

Playing solo you can just make the choice of not using a weapon and play the way you like. And hosting a lot of public games, I have never had a problem telling players joining my map that these are my rules to stay. Most players will welcome knowing the rules and enjoy playing on the map. Only problem with public is players coming and going. You have to repeat the rules from time to time.

And one of the rules could easily be no weapon of this type. What would make this easier if you could record text to a hot key so the text would appear on all playersā€™ screens at once and not be typed out every time. And could be on a wheel like the other wheels in the game.

Or a definable welcome-message.

I personally donā€™t mind what weapon anyone uses. I have a exp. Pvg 90 and itā€™s great but not my go to. I usually use it in right pinches playing solo.

Sometimes I just wanna farm loot. Pvg makes this quick. Sometimes I wanna battle it out and test myself. So then Iā€™ll use 5 star.

I can see why some people have these problems but Iā€™m not entirely sure why. Itā€™s not like damage dealt affects loot drop. Maybe if people are spamming pvg from a far before anyone else can engage. Then I can see an issue. That just narrows down to them being arrogant and you could easily just remove those people.

Use the hammer its totally balanced well the 5c try the 6c itā€™s fun and youā€™ll see