Experimental Sjöqvist

What is everyones opinion on this new gun? I’m very curious what people have to say regarding it. I’ve had it for a big and have been trying it out to see how it preforms, but I have mixed feelings.

Does amazing burn damage on components and blunt pelet damage on them are great too, but i feel the spread is even worse than the 5C version without a 5C shotgun choke. I want it to be as good as the 5C for damage per shot, but i think the burn expectation to replace it is just lackluster when put side to side with just the 5C using augments.

Anyone have personal experience that might help give better ideas on the guns performance or feedback? Super intrigued on what the community has to say.

Does it have some kind of symbiosis with experimental ammo?

Personally, I don’t like playing with it. If feels like you’re throwing burning rocks at machines. But yes, the burn damage is very high. I think the gun would work best as a support weapon in a 2- or more -player game. Where 1 player engages machines with normal weapons, and another flanks them with the Sjöqvist and deals fire damage from up close.

So in general it’s useless if you already have better guns that shred machines faster and don’t need support from the flanks?

Well, one who likes shotguns can use it of course…

Nevertheless I would be interested if there are any symbiosis.

This is my take on it, burn damage is too slow and situational, might be useful in a team on guerilla?

Mmh for fights from behind a cover it could be useful.
Get out of cover, shoot, hide again.
While your hidden, the fire damage does it’s work.

But again, for this usecase maybe an exp HP5 is better, too… Because you can keep on firing from behind cover after you locked a target and aim correctly.

And… GZ isn’t really a cover shooter.

No weapon is useless, it’s providing choices in the way people can play. Otherwise you could throw away every weapon that is less damaging, and say they are useless.

Now it’s coffee-time. :coffee:


That’s what I wanted to say with

:wink: :coffee:

Yes, but you used the term “Useless”, when you mean you personally like other guns better. Useless is making it negative. But I know now what you meant.

Btw, I haven’t even tried the Sjogvist. :laughing:

Still haven’t got the Exp.Sjöqvist so I’m curious how useful it is? Sounds like a Support Weapon and nothing as our former experimental shotgun??

The Exp.12G Pump Action is a lot of fun to use against big machines at really close range. They get stunned with every shot so you just circle around like a hyena and wait. Except the machines that cheat and release a cloud of gas and you realize you weren’t wearing a gas mask.

Exp.Sjöqvist won’t let me put Experimental ammo in there :pensive: it’s still a nice little gun though, works with a choke

So its only pellet style ammo that csn go in it. Because the exp. ammo for shotguns are slugs, it doesnt work with it. Only Buck and Birdshot work on it


Almost seems like a “we didn’t know what to do else in the remaining time”-weapon. Not finished, because they didn’t have time to finish it… Or to fix the issues with the slugs so that we can use them, too.

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It would be weird though usung corrosive slugs with natural fire pellets though. Just raw damage increased in the end.

If they mafe it do something more than burn, it would be good. Like switch “fire mode” to use like a condensed fire bomb shot or just the fire rounds normally. Take the whole tube worth of ammo fir the condensed round to make up for the damage it’ll do.

Dont think it’ll happen though, but would be a nice alternative compared to how it is currently.

As I didn’t find it yet…

What’s else possible with it?
It’s been said, that it can set the ground to fire.
How far does it spread?
Does it increase over range?
How far can you shoot with it to do indirect damage by burning the ground?

(Thinking of some FNIX bases, spreading fire over them from distance to burn down the structures and everything beyond the walls :japanese_ogre: :fire:)

So, I used it recently for base assaults and tested a few things. All these are with birdshot by the way.

It does about three shots with the burn damage to break the walls and does well for base breaking. Generator shields goes down in two to three shots. Was a bit inconsistent sadly, but it does take one shot to hit the next shield stage on the actually base structure.

It has a massive spread and does okay burn over time damage. The fire on the ground is good for ticks and smaller adds, but nothing to talk much about. Good for small adds and ammo consumption base raids. Otherwise its like a B tier at best.

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I have three of them now. Might give it a run around in the lower farmlands to see how it goes.

it has its moments like all experimentals, :dizzy_face: but when in base defense or heavy amount of robots everywhere, :confused:, mainly the reloading on weapons to slow sometimes