Experimental Weapons List

Does anyone have a list of all the current Experimental Weapons?

AG4, Alg HR, Magnus, Sledgehammer, KVM 59 and 89, PVG 90, 12G Pump Action, Klaucke 17, Grg M/49 and Kpist M/46.


To elaborate a little bit.

The first wave of experimental weapons were:

  • 12G
  • AG4
  • Grg M/49
  • Klaucke 17
  • Kpist M/46
  • PVG 90

Then Alpine Unrest added a new experimental:

  • KVM 59

And the Reaper added another experimental:

  • Sledgehammer

Finally, Dangerous Experiments added the three most recent:

  • Älgstudsare
  • KVM 89
  • Magnus