[EXPLAINED] How to get Alpine Unrest and FNIX Rising DLC missions to show up in mission log

I recently started my first pc (steam) playthrough, after 2 playthroughs on PS4. If memory serves, the Fenix and Alpine quests popped up right from the start when playing on PS4, but it doesn’t show up on PC. Do I remember incorrectly, is it different on PC, or do my game not load these dlc?

If you have bought them and installed them they should pop up, try doing some progress and see if it pop ups!

Hey @Palpatine84 :wave:

Let’s see if we can sort this out!

First off make sure that the DLC are installed and enabled.

Secondly, there are some criteria to meet in order for the missions to show up in your log.

The first mission for Alpine Unrest DLC (Not Alone) + FNIX Rising DLC (Where The Sun Sets) will show up in your log once you have completed the “intro missions”. The intro missions are the first five “main” missions in the game;

  • Break Of Dawn
  • Sanctuary
  • The Farm
  • The Road To Salthamn
  • The Home Team


Another method of unlocking the first Alpine Unrest DLC mission is to go to the Forest Region.

Another method of unlocking the first FNIX Rising DLC mission is to go near the hangar safehouse close to the border between Archipelago region and Farmlands region (See image below).

Please try this out and let us know if this works / doesn’t work out for you! :slight_smile:

Oh, I have not progressed that far yet. As I recalled they popped up right from the start, but I must have been mistaken then. Thanks for the quick response. :slight_smile:

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