Explosive dmg after may update

Just updated and went to try out the explosives…wow. i do 1% dmg per rocket to fnix tanks and harvesters. 1% dmg per landmine. 1% dmg per explosive canister. Surely this isn’t right


They said the change should make explosive damage more consistent, I don’t think they meant consistently 1% though!


Things are very weird. I was playing with a buddy and we ran up on a fnix in the woods… he put maybe 8 rounds from his ag5 into it and the damn thing exploded. Another one what 20 feet away and we hardly dented it with rockets, landmines and lots of 7.62. Things are not consistent for anything. Ive also killed a fnix with 1 clip from my hp5. I dunno

I was also very surprized. I thought that they would increase the damage of the rocket launcher , when they mentioned that the explosive damage was calculated wrong, but it seams that they reduced the damage of all other explosives. But why?
Last time I faced a FNIX tank and used the big gas tank togather with the first rocket. Did not much damage. It took 3 more rockets, 15 .50 cal and about 300-400 7,62 shots to kill that thing. Is that what it suppose to take?

Yeah, something’s not right. I have an alt where I’ve used the entire inventory to store grenade rounds, so went up against a FNIX Tank with the launcher and I hit the thing with 30 rounds (I counted) and it still wouldn’t go down. Felt like harsh language would’ve worked better.