F23 Overby Air Base roof

The roof of the red building (-970.603, 604.228) at Overby Air Base is still missing on the PS4 version. There is a weapon and (I think) a side mission computer that can not be dealt with up there.

Although I play on PS5 it’s still the PS4 version.
And I don’t have this issue. My roof is there and I was on top of it.

I’ve pointed this out, several times.

The PS5 and the PS4 have different amounts of “power” or “system resource” comparative to one another. Just like the XB1, XB1S, XB1X, Series S, and Series X. Or PCs with different specs.

Depending on the system specs, the capabilities of the platform, the rendering issues (like the airport control tower roof, in this case) will or will not be visible to certain players.

Different console, different platform, different specs, different issues become more or less noticeable.

In regards to the rendering issues (pop-in, pop-out, glitchy behavior of many scenery objects, etc) that people keep pointing out, these issues got this bad way back around April 25th~26th of 2023, when the devs hit us all with a certain update.

The intended goal of that update was to improve stability, game performance. They wanted the game to crash less.

The method they apparently picked to achieve this improvement, was to cut render range by some extent. “Render range” is basically “the distance from the player at which certain items become visible, or render in.” The idea was, if they cut the render range some…it would reduce the number of machines and scenery objects loaded in, active, around the player. Less stuff loaded in/activated, less strain on the system, less chance of crashing, fewer drops to FPS. The idea sort of works, but sort of doesn’t.

Based on the specs of any console or platform, the render range was cut by different amounts. On plain old XB1 consoles, the render range was cut roughly in HALF. From 480m or so, down to about 240m or less. Other different spec consoles or systems will have slightly different render ranges.

On the top-tier versions of each console, like the PS5 or the XB Series X, you WON’T see the issues nearly as often, or AT ALL, compared to players on lesser hardware. The higher end machines didn’t get nearly the same cut to render range, so you may not even notice that the change ever happened.

Problem is, the render range cut exposed another problem. It seems that not every scenery object has the same range or conditions set to dictate when they render in. Some objects render in a vastly different distances, or under vastly different conditions, and some players can in fact be IN CONTACT, ZERO DISTANCE, and still have objects render out all of a sudden.

So while players on higher spec machines have no problem getting up on that roof, players on lesser hardware are greeted by a roof that doesn’t exist and a sudden drop into a pit from which the only escape is fast travel.

Thing is, BEFORE the update I’ve pinpointed, it WAS possible for anyone on any console to get up on that roof, no problem. These rendering issues practically didn’t exist before that update. Something about that update needed to be changed, or better yet rolled back, way back then.

That could be a reason.
We just never got a confirmation about these hardware-related changes.

Render distance, before they did these changes, was at 400m on every system.
To be honest, I never checked the current distance since the changes.
At least I could bet that it’s not the same in every location or situation.

Maybe today I’ll try to make a comparison for the distances on PS5 and PS4, as I have both.
I’ll also check the roof at the airfield on PS4.

@IlessthanthreeHind :+1:

Checked it on PS5 today.
Machines appear at about 304m distance.

They disappear at about 332m distance.

That’s at the airfield.
Tried it also with a harvester next to Lilla hammarnäs with the same results.

Checked it on PS4 today.
Machines appear and disappear somehow randomly in a range of 225m to 247m distance.

@SR_Carni I hope the attached video helps solving the issues regarding the airfield rooftop etc.

Also checked the rooftop.
On PS5 everything works fine.
On PS4, same safegame file, the rooftop is partly invisible. Boxes can be jumped on and the centre where the blueprint is is ok, too, but everywhere else you fall through the roof.
Additionally some structures/objects at the airfield appear and disappear at very close distances… Houses, Cars and more…

And, as I’ve pointed out a few times in different threads, these issues are not limited to just the air base. The air base just happens to be a particularly ugly area, in regards to these rendering issues. Radiating outwards, the perimeter fence around the air base is another example of inconsistent spawn/render conditions/range.

In the South Coast, you can come out of the north tunnel access from Minken and head towards the FNIX outpost down on the road. Knapperanna Front Line Outpost, or some such. See how strangely that whole structure behaves, as you circle around it and approach from different angles/directions, how it blinks into and out of existence at different ranges, from different directions.

Then go down to the town of Fiskeback, and wander around a short while. Heading out along the road north, the string of utility poles/power lines should start behaving badly—again, blinking into and out of existence, about like the fence around the airbase. If you head out from Fiskeback in a different direction, then look back, half of the town may very well blink into and out of existence—at relatively short range.

Elsewhere in the South Coast, along the border with the Mountains region, there is an unmarked tourist attraction that will blink into and out of existence. The location is on a hill northwest of ‘Angeras Church’, west off the road that leads north past a gas station and the little village of Bockhyten or some such name like that. At the foot of the hill, in a parking area, should be two cars. Head up the hill from there and there should be picnic tables, and at the top of the hill is a cairn—a stack of rocks. The picnic tables and the cairn will behave badly, blink in and out of existence. You can try to jump up on top, and likely fail and get pushed to the side as the cairn disappears and then reappears.

Down in the Archipelago, on the east-west road between Hastvik and Salthamn, nearer to Hastvik, there should be a white car pulled off the side of the road. One of the ever present Bjork 300s, much like VU’s. Depending on how you approach that car, it will behave badly as well. From certain directions, it will only appear at incredibly short distances. From other directions, it may render in more readily—at greater distance.

On Himfjall, you can pick basically any location where the ski slope border ‘fences/markers’ are present and fool around with them. They’ll almost certainly behave the same as the fences at the air base and the utility poles/power lines in many locations, blinking into and out of existence at ridiculously short ranges.

At almost any safehouse, you can get eyes on the companion station and then move around—and it will almost certainly blink in and out of existence in just the same way. For perhaps the best example, check the one outside the garage entrance at Vesslan. Go all the way to the gate, where the truck is hung up on the run-down gates, and turn back to look towards the storage where the companion station and vehicle station are—then slowly approach that storage building, and have a look around. Bet you’ll see a LOT of scenery objects blink in and out of existence, there. You can probably even be in contact with a certain stack of crates/cardboard boxes when they show up, and get launched by them.

Plenty of similar issues elsewhere, in the northern regions. The Soviet camp at the intersection to the west or northwest of Skvadern Command Bunker used to be visible from the gates of Skvadern’s street entrance. On the lower end systems, this is no longer the case—one must now approach quite close, before that walled encampment blinks into existence.

All these unusual rendering issues began after that update I pointed out. They’re all the same issue, scattered out across the world. Or, rather, they’re all symptoms of the same issue. Something is off with how objects are set to spawn or render, and needs fixing or at least adjustment. The air base control tower rooftop is just the worst case, most important example.

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