Fabuła stanęła w miejscu na początkowym etapie gry/The plot stopped at the beginning of the game

gdy zdobyłem pierwszy bunkier w fabule zacząłem dołączać do gier multiplayer po tym moja fabuła stanęła w miejscu nie mam żadnych zadań głównych ani pobocznych po stworzeniu nowej postaci mam nadal to samo, próbowałem nawet sprawdzić spójność plików i nic nie pomogło. miałem 1 zadanie poboczne na zdobyćiu bazy ale wydaje mi się że to było zadanie poboczne na dalszy etap gry a bie początkowy.
when I got the first bunker in the story, I started joining multiplayer games after that my story stopped I have no main or side quests after creating a new character I still have the same, I even tried to check the integrity of the files and nothing helped. I had 1 side quest to capture the base but I think it was a side quest for the rest of the game and the initial one.

Please, write in English. This is an english speaking community

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Nie wiem czy będzie to miało sens po przetłumaczeni na ang ale sprubuje

Sadly the host map tracks so your progress will be broken. Only fix is a full delete and restart. Do the missions in your own map.

does it mean it will stay that way?

if I delete my character, what’s left in the chest will also be deleted?

If you delete all characters, everything in your plundra (storage box) and the recycling station will remain. If you want to get rid of them quick, put everything onto one character then delete it.

and the plot will reset?

For your personal world, yes the story will have fully reset.

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thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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If that is the case, that you have to delete all characters to reset the plot, the case for the suggestion that you should be able to create new characters with no progress strengthens. I.e. separate save files for each character.

what to do after the task “no reception” ?