Falling endlessly through the map

So I was at the light house safe house at Hisingafyren and went down to destroy the FNIX ground nodes at the Hisings Ferry pier, after blowing them all up, I fast travelled over to the camp safe house just along the same shore line. When there, it didn’t spawn me into the safe house but underneath it and the game kept crashing and throwing me through the map as if the ground wasn’t generated properly to be a solid state. It was a never ending cycle, I managed to fast travel to another location only to when leaving the safe house have the outside ground not be solid and I fell straight through. It’s as if I’m playing “the floor is lava” and I cannot walk anywhere but in a safe house as the ground , fields, roads are there but aren’t physically there to walk on as you just endlessly fall through. Can anyone suggest a way to fix this bug please, as the game is now unplayable even after closing down the game and refreshing it completely. Thanks

A post was merged into an existing topic: Falling Through the Ground