Fallo cajón de suministros

Buenos días, me gustaría comentar un fallo que me sucede desde hace unas semanas . Cuando quiero abrir el cajón de suministros para guardar cosas o coger algo el juego se bloquea, la imagen se congela y no me deja hacer nada. Tengo que reiniciar la PS4 y jugar sin poder usar mis objetos almacenados . Un cordial saludo y gracias de antemano, espero que lo solucionen pronto el juego es muy divertido para jugar con amigos.

Good morning, I would like to comment on a bug that has been happening to me for a few weeks. When I want to open the supply drawer to put things away or grab something the game crashes, the image freezes and doesn’t let me do anything. I have to restart the PS4 and play without being able to use my stored items. Best regards and thanks in advance, I hope they solve it soon, the game is very fun to play with friends.

try changing your game to english. you should then be able to open your storage. look to see if you have a shotgun choke inside. if you do, remove it. that is what is causing the bug.