Fast travel freeze

Hey guys.

Anyone else getting stuck on the loading screen after you want to fast travel??

I’ve tried for several minutes, over and over again. Restarted the game but no luck… Just the breeze sound in the background.

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Almost everyone.
It may depend on the system you use and on the memory usage.

On PS5 I had this issue just once. Before that happened there also were other issues like all fnix bases and neutral control points disappeared, rivals disappeared and I wasn’t able to find any machine.

Since this time I had no issues with that any more.

For some players it helped to clear cache on the consoles.

Btw. It’s a known and often reported issue. You should have read some other related topics first.

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There are more performance fixes in the works. Hopefully it’ll be smoother in the near future.

I haven’t really touched on merging similar reports so far, since the causes of the issues may vary from platform to platform.

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