Feature request: augmentations on 1c and 6c weapons

Hi there,
I thought about the augmentations and some weapons. I didn’t use the augmentations very much yet, but at least I have 5 different weapons (5c) augmented. And I love them so hard, that I use them more than the comparable experimental weapons.

That’s good, especially for those DLC weapons I never used before.

1. Augmentations for 6c weapons
But, shouldn’t the experimental weapons still have a reason to be better in a certain way?

Best example is the granatgevär.

6c granatgevär is strong, but needs twice the ammo a 5c granatgevär uses, because it always fires two rockets. An augmented 5c granatgevär can be specialized to destroy structures or i.e. big machines and becomes stronger in 1 shot compared to the 6c doubleshot.

In the end, I now use a 5c augmented RPG against structures and a 5c augmented granatgevär against big machines and it’s more effective than using a 6c granatgevär. And I need less ammo for them.

So I got the idea for augmentations for experimental weapons. But other than for 2c to 5c weapons, as they are special experimental weapons, you cannot augment them at the crafting station.
Instead, experimental weapons could have preinstalled augmentations to improve them.

And to make it more interesting, these preinstalled augmentations could be set randomly, so that you could find different versions with different classes of augmentations. Gather them and compare them. Hunt down rivals to get the best possible version.

Since experimental weapons became like sand on a beach, this could make them becomes more interesting again.

2. Augmentations for 1c weapons
I didn’t try to make a completly clean start, yet.
But I thought, why should I be limited to augment weapons just from 2c on?
If I would start over, most guns that I should find should be 1c initially. Of course, to be able to augment weapons I have to unlock the augmentations first which could take a lot of time in some cases. In that time I possibly could even become able to get experimental weapons and 5c versions of many guns.

So why should I then use a 1c gun and augment it?
Well maybe because I still just didn’t find a better version of this certain gun. There are really many weapons now if you have all dlcs and to be true, I didn’t find many certain guns now for a long time.

Exception: changes to DLC weapons ->

DLC weapons are an exception somehow.
Those have 1c to 5c versions in the game, but if you buy them you initially have a 3c version available which can be augmented immediatly.
And why are there still 1c and 2c versions in the loot pool if they aren’t needed in general?

I’m still fighting for a different way for how initial DLC weapons should be provided. Not by plundra, but by small side missions, which finally give us access to a DLC locker at a special location. A support truck, parachuted crates, a cargo container at the coast, a wrecked boat… Or what else.

These DLC lockers still could provide a 3c version of each weapon of the related DLC, but as you don’t have immediate access to them you could find 1c to 2c versions earlier. (If the loot pool becomes a bit adjusted that not almost every 2nd gun is a 4c or 5c version of the newly added dlc)

Finally, those 1c weapons should become augmentable, too.
While 2c and 3c weapons just can be augmented on the primary slot, 1c weapons maybe could be limited to the support slot.

By that you could also improve the lowest class weapons, but differently than the 2c or 3c versions you maybe already got.

Any additional thoughts?


Instead of having pre installed augmentations. They could just simply buff the experimental guns damage, handing or other things.
Making experimental guns get random augmentations can be extremely good addition. But devs would be struggling to add that addition because they’ve mentioned experimental guns could have many bugs with the augments.