Feature request - music

Hey all,

Who else does love the Generation Zero Soundtrack?
  • Me
  • Me not

0 voters

Yes, it’s great.

But there is one big problem:
It distracts me while playing the game.
Because you hear the machines way better, and because the cold and lonely feeling - without music everytime on my ears - is so much better, I disabled it in the options.

Who else did that?
  • Me
  • Me not

0 voters

But everytime I start the game, just for a few parts of a second the music appears… And then gets muted. Why? It’s such a great soundtrack! I’m missing it.

Well, we’re able to play the organs or up to four other instruments to hear another version of it, but it’s not the same.

So, who would agree to make the music more dynamic?
  • Me
  • Me not

0 voters

Let it turned on in the menu, play it in the background, if we’re talking to a npc or come in to a safehouse, without being in a battle. These quite moments, where we have a small pause of the action. When we need some kind of positive distraction of the war. When we need some sign of hope.

It’s the sound of the resistance, why don’t they use this atmospherical instrument as a patriotic tool in these moments.

Thx. It’s so great, we should hear it more often. It needs this little sign of respect.

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I think I’ve handled this by setting the music volume quite low. I always do this in games.

I think the music sets a great atmosphere, also in battle - but it should be set at a volume so it’s just ambience (10-20%).

However, it would be nice if you could adjust menu music volume and in-game music volume separately.

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This is one of the few games I actually enjoy to have the music on a normal volume. Most games I mute or set it very low. Depending on type of game

I’ll test it.
I even didn’t know that there’s a volume setting. :sweat_smile:

Nevertheless… I stay at my opinion that they should use the audio (music) for an additional plus on athmospere.

I guess you all did the apple murder missions?
They used the dark sky (was it in dark skies update?) at the mission are as additional element for atmosphere. If there would be some atmospherical music, too, it would be even greater.