Feedback to Plundra

Hi Devs,
Thank you very much for the Plundra, it is a much more enjoiable game with it.
Here I have some ideas to improve it.
So at first when I drag and drop something in it, I wanted to reorganize my inventory because of the free space. Unfortunatelly this is not possible. Could you plz enable this feature.
Second i would like to manually sort the items in the Plundra. For example I would like to have all weapons at the beginning of the list.
Also a filter would be handy. With options like: weapons, ammo, attachements, health items, miscellaneous.

Oh and I just realized that weapons use two storage points.that means they take the same space like in our inventory. This leads me to the question: Could you make the Plundra like a larger inventory that we can just scroll down?
If i look at the current list, it is a lot of wasted space with the names, which we dont need. We see the image with the rarities of things and we know what it is.
Less info in more space.
If we need more infos then we can use the info window. This way the Plundra would become more compact and easier to use.

Btw. I often have the bug, that I can only place weapons in my inventory ehen there are 3 free slots are next to each other. In theory it only needs 2 but when there are only two the frame is still red and i can not drop it. Maybe it has something to do with attachements or ammo in it.
I know this is not the right thread but in case a dev reads this: Please remove the “attach ammo into weapon”-system. It only causes problems. Rather give us a simple “select ammo type” botton. Plz plz plz consider this devs.


+1. Same for me. :slightly_smiling_face:


I think that with more attachments weapons take more Plundra space. For example my HP5 with extended mag and barrel take 4 Plundra points:


pretty sure that weapons are supposed to take up as much space in the Plundra as they would in your inventory if all the attachments were removed, they just don’t make us take them apart for storage.


I just played Generation Zero after some month of not playing. I wanted to write about the storage boxes and found your comment Dantec. A friend of mine and I agreed, that the storage box should look like the inventory. As you said “Less info in more space.” Why do we need the names behind the items in storage, when we played it month before without the information in the inventory?
You don’t get a quick overview of what you store in the boxes.You have to scroll all the way down…

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Sorting your inventory while in the Plundra screen would be great. Items by category much needed.

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