FireBird after hacking gets into FNIX side and Weapon shooting non stop

Platform: PC

Description: i found 2 bug one that sometimes machines just start shooting like miniguns and the second bug that the new Ennemy Firebird that the AI after Hacking it will turn into FNIX side while shooting all Soviets machines and not FNIX machines

Steps To Reproduce: Just by hacking it

Images / Videos: How do i send a Video ?

Host or Client: Host

Players in your game: None

Didn’t hack a wolf or a lynx yet.
Is that the same for them?

I even didn’t see the opposite yet. Do hacked fnix machines attack fnix and soviets?

for now i havent tried other soviets machines and when hacking at first, for the Firebird they attack Both for sure but somehow after 60 second et it will only shoot Soviets machine and roam around with the FNIX machines

Ok, after 60 seconds the hacking is over.
So it “changes faction” after hacking again, but to the wrong one.

@Avalanche_Pontus, could you communicate this to being watched at? Thx

is there a way to send a video now ive tried and its all soviets machines that after a hack will change into FNOX faction, ive hacked Wolf and Lynx and tried to select a good envirement to try and after hack they soviets machines wander with the FNIX machines

So even fnix machines don’t attack them any more during and after the hack?

How does it work vice versa? Do hacked fnix machines attack soviets and fnix and after the hack soviets and players again?

How is hacking intended to work? Should machines just don’t attack humen anymore or should they just change who is friend or foe?

  • Before hacking:
    Soviets attack fnix and humen
    Fnix attack soviets and humen

  • During hack:
    Soviets attack soviets and fnix
    Fnix attack soviets and fnix

  • After hack:
    Soviets attack fnix and humen
    Fnix attack soviets and humen

  • Before hacking:
    Soviets attack fnix and humen
    Fnix attack soviets and humen

  • During hack:
    Soviets just attack soviets
    Fnix just attack fnix

  • After hack:
    Soviets attack fnix and humen
    Fnix attack soviets and humen

Currently it seems to be like:

  • Before hacking:
    Soviets attack fnix and humen
    Fnix attack soviets and humen

  • During hack:
    Soviets attack soviets
    Fnix attack fnix

  • After hack:
    Soviets attack soviets and humen
    Fnix attack soviets and humen

@BlueDragen: Correct?

Upload it to youtube and post the link here.

Tested with Firebird and when two of them are in the air the hacked one stays hacked turning against Soviet forces. When two Firebirds attack each other after hack they can be shot at and ignores player. When all enemies are wiped out (with help from player) the Firebird starts shoots off island to mainland or the North-East like it sees enemies spawning here.

This behavior was confirmed during completion of the new Firebird side mission activated by Mona’s tracker device. After the mission Firebirds seems to cool down after a hack in a normal way and attack player again. This can (possibly) be a bug when the new side mission is activated?

Before hack:
Soviets attack fnix and human
Fnix attack Soviets and Human

During hack:
Soviets attack Soviets (and FNIX aswell but i mean its nautural)
FNIX attack FNIX (same attack aswell the Soviets)

After hack:
Soviets attack Soviets and Human
Fnix attack Soviets and Human

this was yesterday when i found out at first seems normal but got bad environement luck but at the end you could see still the FireBird still shooting the soviets friends and its the one dying at the end

Do soviets as well attack previously hacked soviets, even after the hack is over?

Sadly i havent tried this, because its hard to find machine and hack luck aswell and the machine to to be detroyed as fast as the hack cooldown, but like sayd i really think its just after a hack theyr “faction change” gets defaulted as FNIX

I’ll try to try it, too.
Question is, if just the hacked machines change faction, or if other machines of the same original faction see them as enemies, too, from this time on.

i tried to hack aswell fnix machines but after hack they get back normal and pursue the player and wont still shoot eachother like hacking fnix and now the fnix gets in soviets side, that dint happen only soviets behing with FNIX

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