Floating bike bench

I was trying to get my hands on a bike, but the bench was floating and I couldn’t reach it?! :confused:

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It is not a bike station but instead a crafting table. If you go near it, you can “use” it and partial crafting menu pops up.

Some backstory: When GZ launched, it had several tutorials in it (still are, Logs -> Tutorials). One of the tutorials was about crafting. (E.g collect parts and blueprints, do your magic at crafting station and “poof”: you have a weapon mod.) Since crafting itself wasn’t finished at that point (only tutorial existed), devs removed the crafting tutorial soon after.

This misplaced crafting bench is the 1st sign since launch that crafting can come to GZ at some point of time, as it was initially intended.


Here’s a screenshot how it looks when you activate and open up a crafting inventory:

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