FMtel Assignments, co-op completions don't count?

Platform: XBox.

Description: A number of different FMtel assignments don’t seem to register completions in co-op. They will count for the HOST, if they haven’t already completed it alone, but certain task completions will NOT count for the GUEST.

Steps To Reproduce: Get on, join co-op as a guest, make sure FMtel Assignments like “Medium Base Assault” or “Hard Base Assault” are activated, select what should be an appropriate base, take it out…and it won’t register the completion for the guest.

Images / Videos: Sorry, can’t provide any.

Host or Client: Client, guest.

Players in your game: 2+.

Specifications: Plain old XB1.

This was tested several times over, with two people in particular to minimize variables. One of us would be the HOST one day, the other the GUEST/client…next time a suspicious Assignment showed up, we would alternate, swap GUEST/HOST roles, retest.

For a game that is supposed to be so co-op centric, supposedly right from inception, there are an awful lot of things that seem like they almost have to be completed solo, or at least on your own map/in your own world. I get that the Assignments are a bit of an add-on thing, not necessary or whatever, but they are a thing to do that should work in a way that complies with the original vision of the game—co-op action…right?

Aside from the Medium/Hard completions and other such things, there are also the other ‘tougher’ assignments to be spoken of… 10 Harvesters with a hunting rifle, and it isn’t going to count the other player’s assistance for their completion? So, for two players trying to “do the thing” we have to hunt down 20 Harvesters? And we have to make certain that, in all of the chaos of battle, the right person gets the last shot?

Looking at the stats, the game DOES supposedly have a way to track Assists…there was even an Achievement for it, I think? Can that not be leveraged somehow to make some of these assignments less tedious? Assists counting for half a kill would still be better than nothing, at least we could cut the collective kill count required SOME… I know other games out there do have co-op completion for stuff like this, where either counts are shared or at least assists help decrease the overall number needed, whatever…gotta be a way, it would seem to me.

Assignments are an addon.
They came in the game later.

In general they are assignments for each player.
Although there are assignments that count for both players (destroy TVs) most of them just count for those, who finished them.

Regarding base assaults for example, they count for the player who did the last shot to destroy the command center.

I don’t know any more if it has been like that all the time or just after introduction of the 4 worlds. At least before that the progress of most missions was also saved for each player, as the game just had to save it to one world (per player). The first and only world.
Now the game doesn’t know any more to which world it should be saved, as we as guests aren’t able to select a world to save progress at.

Finally…there are many things for the assignments to complain about and there always have been tracking issues. Some of the “newer” assignments are almost impossible to finish alone or at one day (within the regular playtime per day).
And as the progress for assignments should be saved to the apex connect account and not to the world, it should be independent from which world you play in and therefore it should also be possible to make them share progress as it was in the past (before there were bases) for most of them.

Assignments are an addon.
They came in the game later.

Yeah, I’m aware of that. We’ve been over how much the game has changed, before. I had my eyes on it for years before picking it up. I know it isn’t the same as it once was.

In general they are assignments for each player.
Although there are assignments that count for both players (destroy TVs) most of them just count for those, who finished them.

Regarding base assaults for example, they count for the player who did the last shot to destroy the command center.

I get that general point, too, but in my experience (and the other guy I speak of often, as we pretty much exclusively play together) that isn’t exactly the case.

Base Assaults have been something that DO count for us both—so long as we’ve each had significant impact on the base. We’re careful to split up how many Shield Generators we destroy, and to switch up who is hitting the base in such a way that we both do roughly equal damage, or “pull equal weight”… As a result, we both get credit for taking out bases in general—or if we both used only melee weapons, or we both used only SMGs, or we both used only handguns, for those other specific ones.

In our experience, in regards to Base Assault Assignments, it has only specifically been Medium or Hard completions that do not count for us both when working together, recently. As a result, if we both want the completion for a Medium or a Hard, we’ll have to knock one out, then swap who is HOST/GUEST and do it again on the other player’s map.

But that hasn’t always been consistent. There have been times when Medium Base Assaults did tick over for both of us, in one go. Brief periods during one update or another, when it did work, before the next update came along and broke it again… There were times when things did seem to work better, in regards to what counted in co-op.

In general, to include the other Assignments again, a game that is supposed to be so co-op focused…should work in such a way, a bit better than this. There shouldn’t be any sort of competition between players—“I’m going to get my Weekly done, and forget yours.” It should be more comprehensively cooperative—“We’re going to get our Weeklies done.” In my opinion… We are the Resistance. We are supposed to be working together, against the machines. Not working against one another, and against the machines as well.

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I must admit that I haven’t done base assaults in coop for a good while now. Last time my mate and I played together, I wasn’t even able to see the bases in his world and vice versa.
So maybe it was bad timing or bad luck that built my experiences.

But I agree with the rest and I’m pretty sure the devs would do that too.

That’s the point with the technical issues, bugs, insufficient testing and so on…

I’d bet many of these issues just have been taken into account because of higher priority for something else.

any idea if this one works :face_with_monocle: Perform a Dance Emote Within a FNIX base during a Base Assault Mission

As far as I’m aware, ALL the assignments in the current rotation do work. The “dance” one works fine when playing alone or as part of a group—so long as the control point you dance at is held by the enemy, regardless of the base level. In my experience on the old XB1, anyway. On other platforms, things may be more or less broken.