I am a new player and trying to figure out how to repair a structure during a base defense mission. I only see a repair ability after the mission ends. This is the second day I received this assignment and am a bit frustrated. Thank you for any info.
You should be able to repair it at the structures submenu.
(Where you also can disassemble a structure or open its inventory or set the state of a gate.)
hold down the button you use to open the menu of a structure, like if you would demolish it. next to the demolish/dismantle button should be repair, Δ for ps, Y for x box (sorry don’t know the controls for PC)
You should not be able to make repairs while in combat, although sometimes I could repair turrets which I consider a bug. I think this is on purpose after the Showdown update as game now offers a “repair all” for free.
Yes, but we still should be able to manually repair buildings one by one on our own cost. Don’t we?
I have played several equipment defense after posting my first post and repair all is not allowed during combat but individual repair of base structure is allowed, as long as you have the required materials. Once equipment defense is over only the “repair all” option is available.
If the OP is seeing “repair all” while equipment defense is ongoing, then it’s bugged.
Well, he didn’t write that.
I guess he just didn’t know that you still can repair each single structure, If you have the needed ressources. As the costs for some structures became quite high due to needing some new ressources, the fmtel - assignment for repairing structures during a defense mission became much harder.
Well, in the end it depends on the structure, you want to repair.
Base defense is bugged, don’t doubt it for a moment!
Done some defense mission and some other base defenses also and from base to base, not from the defense mission itself, some bases allows repairs on individual structures like pillboxes, others not.
Same even goes for walls and barricades on some bases, and it’s frustrating to see a base getting more or less destroyd without a chance to do the “repair X base structures during a base defense” from daily mission.
That’s one thing I just realized I haven’t thought about, if it’s linked to the base and the production of resources and what kind of new resource type production is causing the base to base behavior?
If all Drill bases vs. Chemical vs Furnace behave variable or not.