FNIX Outpost Sabotage Lag

Platform: PC
Description: I was doing FNIX Outpost Sabotage side mission and there was a prototype tank I dont know if it was related to the mission or not but once it spawned my FPS dropped to 10 and stayed like that until I killed it.

**Steps To Reproduce: I simply drove up to the FNIX Outpost and the lag instantly hit once the tank spawned

Images / Videos: none game was too laggy didnt want it to crash when trying to record

Host or Client: Singleplayer

Players in your game: 0

Specifications: drivers are up to date I have a AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six Core CPU and a Radeon RX 570 with 8gb of vram and 32gb of ram


Me too. But I can’t get the mission to complete now…

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Yesterday I had this issue, too.
Mission location was western of Ringfort.
There were two military tanks and one harvester next to the outpost and when I attacked them from distance, the FPS suddenly dropped extremely.

There were also about 10 hunters and 20 runners.
The more machines I destroyed, the better the FPS.

I had exactly this happen to me today. Game crashed three times. Then i killed the prototype tank and it went smoothly after that.

Let’s not necro old bug reports. Even if the issue is similar it may happen for other reasons.
