FNIX Rising discussion

They did say they only revamped the South Farmlands not the whole thing and underwhelmed is a bit harsh they did a DLC a revamp and a big bugfix. Cool it appreciate the devs work

What difficulty are you on? Do they act differently on Guerilla? I swear ill sell this game now if they made the machines exactly as braindead as they were before the april update.


I wish they had a bundle deal for both the DLCs that matches those deals, like at least 20% off…

I’m on Skirmish - I guess I’m only used to the April update since I got the game in May, but where the game forced me into stealth and made me doubt my surroundings before, it now feels flat and cheap. Not sure what to make of this yet, but I made a backup of my old install just in case…

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THIS. Planning and stealth was part of what made the game fun. Now I have people telling me if it’s too easy to just go walking around with a hand gun lol.

I think I am going to have to build a new tactic. If the robots no longer pile up on top of you at a safe zone, then I will bring the robots over to me. You know how the Harvesters and Tanks follow you when you destroy their missiles pods? I might have to go around “collecting” Harvesters and Tanks to have the epic battle I need even if 75% of them will be missing their shots. :laughing:

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Enter charmap in search or run box…(on Windows, that is!) £££££

…A bit off topic, but I’m also happy to say that I have the new DLC!!
(But have to wait until later today to play it) :frowning:

Is Fredrik Holberg at Mullvadsberget ringfort?

He gives a side mission called Energy Independence, but the info about him is suspicious.

Spoilers for Main story and Alpine Unrest DLC

He hasn’t let on much about his life either, exept that he managed to sneak past enemy lines in the
South Coast and observe them for a while.

He’s secretive because he doesn’t want us to know that he was in charge of the whole machine program.

“managed to sneak past enemy lines in the South Coast and observe them for a while.”

I call BS on that one. Just an excuse for having alot of information about this machines.

He was at Himfjäll and had been on contatc with FNIX there, that’s why he has a brochure from Björntunet Hotel.

I can’t see myself since I play on console, but does his face look like the one on fredrik holbergs folder?

He’s coruched over a table so it’s not possible to see his face

after finishing Energy Independence the side mission Synapses began where it said

Fredrik got a “transmission” from a certain Holberg with more “informatio” about neural nodes.

Info file picture please, man?

not exactly sure what you mean.

He looks like the one on the picture in iron church. it cold be ÖB =)

the collectable file of the story’s of the people eg veronica nisson

you mean this?
in that case he looks like him… well minus the beard

its a fake bread. it is a different colour, well done but is fake

i didn’t realize the beard was a different color.

The Iron church is linked to holberg there is a name tag in the church itself with his name on

I tried it for a while, but I guess the current version is not for me. The bots are still bullet sponges, but their detection range is unreliable, and I had multiple encounters where they’d simply run past me and stand there. The rockets are very slow now, the aim is mostly off for all enemies.
I visited Rusksele - there’s a terrain hole that was reported several times, and although the bushes and trees around it seem to have been removed, the hole’s still there. And despite various posts, there’s still no toggle for auto-aim while playing with a controller.

I decided to roll back for now, loaded my old save and am enjoying ‘hell mode’ again. It cuts me off from things like the Torsberga fixes (and any chance of online play), but I guess it’s a fair trade-off.

I’m not here long enough to know how to feel about the devs, but I guess they’re not going to roll back things like the transformed landscape. If they feel like it, I’d appreciate if they could make the ‘April branch’ (before the current update) available as a Steam beta, so that those that want the challenge can still play it semi-officially. Maybe throw in the fog and light fix, if it only requires minimal work. I assume this might split the player base, though, so I’m not optimistic. :disappointed:

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Question What button will it be to switch ammo on consoles?

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Jup, searching for notes, they are pretty well hidden or I am blind. Haha. Haven’t finished the side missions, and I have a lot of challenges to do. So yeah, Fun.