FNIX Rising on PS4 in certification

According to Twitter the FNIX Rising update for PS4 is due soon, and they also tease an update for Xbox and PC.

“Monday update, we’ve got some good news! Not only PS4, but for Xbox and PC as well! A new update, full with fixes and content + FNIX Rising for PS4, is just about to go through Certification. That means - Theres gonna be a lot of fun stuff for everyone soon. Stay tuned for more!”




Good news :drooling_face:

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I am SO DANG happy for you consolers!!!


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Oh no, I´m sorry for my Pessimism, I really hope i´m wrong, but it´s highly probable that this update will bring disgrace again…
Let´s cross our fingers :crossed_fingers: .


I’m even crossing my toes…
Let’s hope they won’t cramp up.


That certification, translated into days … by when can it be approximately?

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You are new…enjoy the game as it is right now on the PS4, and save your data in a flash drive, we don´t know what the new Update will do or not to the game.


I genuinely have no idea. Sony used to be the slowest to certify games / patches back in the 360 & PS3 era and I used to read articles suggesting 1-2 weeks.

I’d hope it’s a little more streamlined by now. At least we know it’s “done” from Avalanche’s side.

Fingers crossed they’ve thoroughly tested it. We don’t want a repeat of the XB1 FNIX Rising (which is still in tatters) or the March PS4 update, which saw all the buildings disappear on Himfjäll. :man_facepalming:t2:


That was not the patch’s fault, but the machines…
They hid them. :frowning:


The machines did more, they also hacked the game files.
That is why it´s been a mess, a gigantic Cyber attack done by the enemy of Mankind, the FNIX Inteligence :sweat_smile::smile: .

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How does saving the game work in case the patch spoils it for you? USB?

I don´t understand your confusion.
By saving to an USB flashdrive or to other device, you make sure that if by any chance the new update brings save corruption, that your save data is not lost or corrupted.
It´s very simple and this same principle applies to any other games.
You should save all of your save games in a flash drive, the cloud works too, but sometimes saves gets automatically replaced in the cloud, and if the recent save was corrupted you lost the “healthy” save forever, it depends of the system and of certain circumstances.

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So sad to say this but I think it’s to late, the game seems dead, gone and forgotten… Lets hope I’m wrong and the devs put out some amazing new content beyond FNIX-Rising this year.
It’s been almost 6 months since we played FNIX-Rising on PC, and PC-players are loosing interest in the game now and PS4 players got tired of waiting and moved on to other games it seems.
Just my 2 cents and I hope I’m WRONG!

Personally I’m most excited to find out what’s new for PC! :smile:

I really hope PS4 will finally get FNIX Rising, and that it works without issues on both consoles. Some of a few reasons why I’m currently on a pause from GZ is waiting for new PC content, but also because I think it’s become very tiring to hear about all the console problems, when in a way they don’t concern me. I can play GZ all I want without any issues that bother me too much. I do however feel bad for the player base as a whole, and I feel bad for the devs. I know they’re working as hard as they can to solve the problems.

Important part last: When the game is finally up on it’s feet on all 3 platforms, I sincerely hope the content creators especially on YouTube, can make an extra effort and let anyone out there who is wondering about GZ, know that this game is worth going for. Also, give the discouraged former players the encouragement they need to come back. :blush::crossed_fingers:


This is not true factually. Have a look at Steam Charts for PC: https://steamcharts.com/app/704270. You’ll see that the average players are more or less steady with some minor fluctuations due to seasons.
In fact the last 30 days look more promising then the whole summer :slight_smile:
Surely the peak players are not that high anymore but there is a certain player base who enjoys the game regularly.

I let’s play GZ since release without a pause (in German). My viewers are looking forward to every episode. That says much about the appeal of the game in general :slight_smile:

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So that means that if I save the game today, and tomorrow the patch comes out and breaks my progress. If I overwrite my saved game from the usb to the ps4, will I be able to continue with the game with the patch contributions ?. Or will I be able to continue advancing but without the contributions of the patch? thanks

@Corronco An alternative to flash drive is just to not download the update when available if playing solo (offline) and just keep an eye on this forum how it works. If it works download manually.
I personally don’t like auto-download anyway :wink:


Oh man…if you save the game, and tomorrow the patch comes and breaks your game progress, you are just ensuring all your “hard work” was for something, so when another patch comes that fixes the game, you can continue where you left it.
And as @Balla_Jazzuz said, the best thing to do when the patch is available, is to play offline or not play it, at least until we see what happened to the first victims :sweat_smile:.
If there are problems with the patch, we will know it in the following 2 days after it´s available.