Food and Water in GZ? What do you think?

One important difference:
If you picked up too much to be able to walk, you picked up too much before either. There is a gap between getting slower and not being able to move that can’t just be jumped over by looting one single box/enemy. So it’s your own fault.

If you then stand still during combat, enter your inventory to clean up and die, it’s your own fault again. You’re just slower, so why do you do that?

If you haven’t equipped health packs, but need some, it’s again your own fault. You need to be prepared. (if you ran out of them because you used all of one type, it’s something different. But entering inventory during combat is a decition. If you die, it’s your own fault. Take cover or hide somewhere and distract enemies before doing that.

Exactly, thats why we should have hunger and thirst because if you “get shot” while looking for food that is your own fault ofc.

time spent organizing harder to organize inventory good
time spent eating bad.

Food and water would be a bad mechanic anyways. No point for it.


No. Don’t agree. If you need food or something to drink, or ammo, healthpacks or ressources and you die locking for it, it’s part of the game.
But in this game, where you fight machines, food and drinks just don’t fit. It disturbes and turns the focus away from your real enemies.

Correct. But I do organize my inventory when I’m not in a fight. When I’m safe.
Eating would be something I would have to do to survive… If necessary while fighting. And this disturbes and turns the focus away again. And yes, it’s something different than healing.

Agreed. :wink:


I think food and drink would work if they provided buffs to affect gameplay, rather than a survival element. It would fit the setting of the game and be closer to the devs’ vision.

Like say, eating a cinnamon roll or punch roll gives a “Sugar Rush” buff, increasing movement speed by 10% for 1hr, and so on.


TANTRUM, WE NEED TANTRUM (#HIMYM) :wink: :crazy_face:

With thousands of machines roaming and searching to kill you, food is the last thing you are worried about … I always throw a few cans of veggies in my backpack before starting missions… Those are everywhere you know…


Thirst and hunger to be a factor to survive in GZ?

Big no.

If you want those mechanics I think you should play other games.


Why couldn’t we just make it a separate game mode that you can turn on or off manually?

Why don’t just play another game?
Otherwise we could also have seperate game modes with cars, with boats, with zombies or aliens…
It doesn’t fit the game and it wouldn’t in a seperate game mode, too.

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I don’t want a food system in GZ either, but I would not be mad over them adding some sort of survival mode/difficulty, Other games have done the same thing. For example fallout 4 which does normally not have a food and water system but you can play the survival mode which adds it, With other things that makes it more into a survival experience.
How does the game become worse if they added a survival mode?
And I do not know how you can compare zombies and aliens to survival mechanics like food? They are not even close to the same thing but go off. But I guess it’s on the same realism level

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If all else fails, the devs could make it a DLC, at least then they would get some cash for it. At that point the main issue would be glitches. A survival DLC wouldn’t be too fun if tons of crashes and glitches made it unplayable.

I stay at my opinion.
Even if it would be a DLC, it would be a bad idea.

If you look at all yet released dlc you can see, that every player is able to play with everyone else, no matter which dlc you have. All mechanics are the same.

That wouldn’t be possible any more if this suggested one would be released. You would split the community into two.

This game offers one shared world. No matter which character you play with and if you play alone or with others as guests.

That wouldn’t work anymore. It’s not just switching survival on or off. There would have to be too much changes to the game.

And if you now argue that this dlc could implement another game mode, there would have to be even more changes (second instance of the game with seperated savegame).

Finally, if you want to play a survival game with food and so on, play one that is built for this purpose. GZ isn’t.

Like I introduced, this is just my well thought opinion.


You are all talking about immersion in the plot study, the degree of immersion is not too high studying audio recordings, this is a ritaric question, missing elements of cut scenes are able to benefit much more, so adding elements of survival helps bring the game closer to the classic genre of analogies; Days, H1Z1, Scum, Forest, these games with large locations, for formal evaluation of this proposal, it is necessary to study how much these games are popular relative to this survival mechanics, you can characterize this function because it is not in the primary position, for example, the lack of fluid reduces endurance / worsens sight aiming, hunger reduces the weight category carried, it is not necessary that these elements should affect the amount of health, if this supplement is announced implemented, more realistic survival, for such a Generation zero game, will bring it closer to the classics and possible success, the main thing is to ensure everything is reasonable, There are several variations of reflection on the game characteristics, it is possible to introduce standardized mechanics if it corresponds to a more realistic metabolism, for example, a daily change if the developers change the linear assignment of the elements, for example, the lack of fluid reduces endurance / reduces aiming, the lack of nutrition reduces the weight carried, not necessarily nutritionally nutritious matter should not reduce the amount of health status, or reduce its minimum value This innovation may have a negative impact, these mechanisms can disrupt the dynamism of the game action, you need to make the batteries more extended in time Based on possible recommendations, we can assume the modernization of the game in a progressive classic innovation, having a couple of positive comparisons
factors, against one minor one, I think it will improve the game, and turn it into a more interesting surviving version

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You mean like the addition of the reaper, or the addition of base building and then control points? The base building and control points should have been DLCs that players could add or not add at their own will and not forced to have on the map.
But the way the match maker throws everyone together, up to 4 players, so matching who have the base/control points on the map DLC would be something match couldn’t do.

For multi-player, these additions to the map have made game play very unstable. How are the additions of assignments working out for individuals? Does anyone that does them find they always work, even a little?

The Dev teams need to go back to the basics and get the game stable for multi-player again before continuing to add more game breaking elements. Playing multi-player, you risk the game crashing and at times crashes so badly it crashes windows too or whatever operating system you try to play it on.

So, at times it is just enough to get in a multiplayer hosted map and last in the game more than a few minutes without crashing…isn’t that enough survival?


I agreed with the first part of that. The game simply isn’t stable enough for such a complex system to be installed at this point. SO, currently it’s a mute point. However, just because it might create possible challenges, that doesn’t mean that you just shouldn’t attempt to make a DLC.

I don’t see why survival mode could just be single player only, it would add even more to the survival aspect if you have only yourself to rely on. If you tried to initiate multiplayer, it could say something to the affect of “ error, survival mode active.”

With that said, the glitchiness would still need to be resolved beforehand.