Freeze Bild...... pls help [Ps4]

Sobald ich in meinem Inventar rumstöber gefriert das Bild und das selbe passiert wenn ich an Lager oder recycling Station ran gehe.
Habe spiel 2 mal gelöscht und 2 mal wieder neu heruntergeladen… und mein account hatte ich auch schon gelöscht gehabt… ohne erfolg… pls help…

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Ok, if that happens in all situations (inventory, plundra, recycling-station), you’re in trouble.
In most cases it was related to unused shotgun attachments, or if you used filters while searching something.

You could try what happens if you use another character in a new world.

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This is my third character in which this error occurs. and don’t want to start again. anew…

and thank you for the quick response and please don’t take offense my English is not the best


There are quite a few that have or had this issue. Maybe they can give you some more advice.

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Probably - as I experienced - your Saved Games.

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