Fresh Run (storage box cleansing by files)

I would like to do a fresh run but all my things are in the storage box, is there a way to wipe it via files?
I would prefer not to just pick it up and drop it all and just leave it there because it would take too much time.

If you’re on PC you can move your savefiles to a different location on your drives and then start from scratch.

The savefiles are located at (in standard Windows configuration):
c:\user\youramazingusername\Documents\Avalanche Studios\GenerationZero\Saves\

The folder with the numeric name (mine starts with 7656) has to be moved to another location, having the “settings”-folder remain.
Then start GZ and you should be able to play from scratch.

If you later on want to give the old chars another take just swap the newly created numeric-named folder with the older one.


Thanks so much for replying, I was expecting nobody to even bother replying to be honest
can you elaborate on “moving the save file to a different location” part?
like I can just put it anywhere?
EDIT: my bad you already explained where I move it to, I only have 1 drive on my computer. Can I just delete a certain save file retaining to the storage box or can I delete the entire save folder and wipe everything?

The new location can be on the same drive in a different folder of course. I just have drive dedicated for games and another for data. So I move the save to the data folder. But you can choose any folder on any drive.

You can delete the folder with the numeric name. If you have the settings folder remain, the game will have all the settings of the former playthrough. If you remove the settings folder also, all settings will be reseted to the games default values.

Easier copy & paste version to access save folder

%user% is replaced with current user name

thank you all for helping me out, I got it and now I’m having a blast re-doing my failed characters
thank you!

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You’re welcome. Glad to help :slight_smile:

With issue solved, i’ll lock this topic.
