Functionality/visibility from clothing/hair (ghillie suit)

it is true @FilthyLittleGodPS4

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Yep. It took me a while before I found one, but later I found many more. Typical!
Like Winnie the Pooh would say: “When I find what I’m looking for, it’s always right in front of me!”

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What’s with the pink?

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The pink shirt has a +3% visibility reduction. Maybe I crafted it to be so, can’t remember.

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lol something that would normally stand out make you less noticeable

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Yeah the irony.

Bit like the Hazard mask that doesn’t improve hazard resistance

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“Just” search backpacks in houses and you’ll find that eyepatch somewhere.

For camo clothing bunkers and other military barracks, etc. are your hunting ground, as the normal military gear also comes in various camo colour schemes, like grey, green, brown and “desert”… :wink:

Oh and some dazzle camo, red, black and grey, iIrc…

Edit/P.S.: btw all * and ** crafting schemes can be found in the gameworld, everything above that drops occasionally from dead rivals afaik

That’s trousers, jackets, caps and helmets

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Hi I think that it would be cool with an ghillie suit that have a invisibility bonus and a weapon camouflage thing so you can paint your weapons camo and attach grass and leafs on it

Several topics merged where people have asked some form of ghillie suit.
