Functionality/visibility from clothing/hair (ghillie suit)

Not sure if this topic has been touched on much, but I think it would be entertaining for the clothing to play a greater function i.e. clothing that does not match the foliage/setting of your location means you are spotted more easily. Means your bright hair and jacket adds a little extra risk.

The addition of military/hunter loot such as a ghillie suit, combined with the ability to go prone, would make sniping more satisfying. On that note, webbing or molle rigs to create a more specific place to carry ammo/grenades that would then free up space in your inventory would be a nice little addition - along with a backpack, but I’m sure that has already been voiced elsewhere. I personally see nothing wrong with pinching and tweaking a few inventory ideas from the likes of PUBG and ARMA III, as they’re simple enough but quite good.

incrInvisibility(20); //percent
if isWinterGhillieSuit() && ! isSnowyGround() { decrInvisibility(15); }
if isForestGhillieSuit() && isSnowyGround() { decrInvisibility(15); }
// etc

Edit. I updated the title of this feature request after reading the comments. I’m sorry if this was misleading.

Ideally in conjunction with bringing back prone/crawl. (We did have that in beta, didn’t we?)

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I’d like to have prone back too. But Graham (British -> Swedish Community DIrector) said it created a lot of problems. :frowning_face:

Machines I assume use thermal sight. Which still doesn’t make sense if your hiding in bushes. So maybe they use day sight/nv night sight for distance. But when alerted use thermal since it’s harder to hide in bushes When they’re red alert mode.
So I’d say use heat blocking Shielding material that’s a little shredded to blend out in.

Is this a mod or an official DLC? I’ll probably still buy it regardless.

The title is indeed very confusing, is there any reason why it was named as such?

Can someone explain my if this is a leak for a future vacinity pack dlc or for a mod ?

i thought the robots saw us using thermal. is ghilli or ANYTHING really much effective against thermal?

I thought that that’s one of the interesting things about the robots. they see using thermal. which makes being outside in sunny bright warm weather BETTER camo than sneaking around in the dark or shadows. They need their sensors washed out with heat, that’s why fireworks and flares mess with them.


Well, I do not need to upload a ghillie suit I think, everyone knows what it is.

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Btw, is there already a ghille suit, because I have white and green ghille helmet. Haven’t seen the other parts (if there are of course)

Ok, I know nothing else is going to be added into the game at this point, but camouflage clothes and the ability to find / craft it would be cool!

Maybe there could be a different style for a few different environments; forest, grassland, snow, msybe a ghillie suit for those long Coastal and lake / riverside reeds and tall Grasses.

Having to change into different camo depending on the terrain would be cool!

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There is camo clothes in the game but they dont give u any buffs, you could put stealth buffs on them via crafting if u wanted

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Yeah man, the experimental clothing comes in different camo styles, as well as the Guille suit

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I’ve had such bad luck finding cosmetic items / clothes!

That will probably be my last trophy for Platinum. God I hope I don’t have bugged or missing collectibles for my Platinum…

Also, how do you add buffs to clothes? I want all my clothes to have buffs!

@Admiralgamer @AliasDJA

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To add buffs to your clothes you find crafting schematics around the world (Instructions) and go to a crafting station at a safehouse as long as you have the resources you can craft those upgrades onto clothes. Also if you want camo gear rivals have a high chance of dropping them

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Oh ive only found one schematic!

Honestly, I don’t understand apparel crafting in GZ…it seems like aside from schematics you can only craft items you’ve already found and why would you want to do that?

Am I misunderstanding?


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You aren’t crafting new items you are upgrading items you already have, so far thats all crafting does

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Like this? :rofl:

Oh damn! Nice!

By the way, any tips on where to find an eyepatch? I tried an experimental eyepiece for the trophy but no dice…I’ve read it’s just a purely random can be found anywhere drop, is this true?

@Gysbert @Admiralgamer

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