Game Bugs/Issues

First and foremost I want to say I am actually quite enjoying this game. The story is a bit vague at times and very sporadic but for the most part it’s been intriguing. The environment becomes rather repetitive with loot and houses/farms being exactly the same design and layout. I have about 18 hours in game so far and would like to report on several bugs/issues/annoyances I have discovered while playing…

a) getting stuck in the environment. Literally will come out of no where, it could be a tree, an airplane, a pile of grass but all too often your character gets stuck and you are unable to move. Only option is to be killed or having to re-spawn which could be miles away if you have not found a check point.

b) enemy difficulty scaling. I am unsure but I have been playing this whole time with my boyfriend and I’d say we have gathered decent weapons and ammo and have learned the movements of the bots fairly well. Along with some good hiding tactics usually there isn’t too much difficulty in taking them out. Until we have finally come across the giant bots which are damn near impossible to kill not to mention at least like 1000pc of ammo is just a bit ridiculous. The “dog” and even smaller walking bots are fairly simple to kill but then it’s a huge massive jump in difficulty to kill the big ones. Just a bit unfair when I literally have to use ALL my ammo just to survive. Not to mention rocket attacks and gas attacks all too often it’s a one hit kill or 100% down to 15% health in one shot. It’s a bit excessive and should be addressed a bit better.

c) Add on to the bots when they attack, it’s really unfair that they are able to shoot you through an entire house when your not even in sight of a window. Literally through 2-3 walls and you get killed. Or when they are able to run through walls into the house and stay there so you can’t move. When houses seem to be your only save cover from the open then bots should not be allowed to glitch in.

Will continue to play the game and likely even purchase the latest expansion. Game has lots of potential and absolutely excited to see where you will take it.

Not the only option. Best option would be Fast Travel to the closest safehouse, given that you’re not in combat. Another option would be placing field radio and then Fast Traveling to it, if you have field radio on you. There’s also a risky option of creating explosion so that your char ragdolls a bit and dislodges you. But this will reduce your HP and you’d need explosives to detonate (e.g red gas can).

Though, it’s known issue and there have been improvement in this part, with quite a bit still left to do.

Latest update skewed the machine AI and made them a bit OP.
Full topic about it here: Machine behaviour post April 2020 update

Known issue with varying degrees of fixes over time.
Full topic about it here: Robots in houses again