Game crash all the time

If all the ticks came from a machine, that issue is being looked into why its happening again.

It was not in östervik, but i cant remember the place. There was a harvester with some hunters around. Suddenly the harvester just died of all the ticks, when the ticks attack it. At later there came new hunter spawning from nowhere. i kill the hunter even many ticks was jumping around, and then the game crash

There was one day when my game would not crash.But now every 15 minutes I crash 3 times I would have to restart my game.

I guess we need to fast travel or stop the game, and back again every time something weird happens in the game (Lots of ticks jumping around, other weird combats). Sometimes i also encounter destroyed hunters, tanks, harvesters or the 3rd big tanks (Cant remember their name) just disappear. Then some times later they just appear flying a little up in the sky, then land on the ground still as destroyed, like the game forgot to let them be visible after killing them

But you’re lucky there, two out of three cases appear when I’ve destroyed a harvester, with the opposite also appear two whole hunters and they are very trigger-happy.

Platform: PC (Steam)

Description: Random game crash

Steps To Reproduce: Happens much more frequently close to control point with issues (see Floda/Dyrbo/Smultron control point bug reports)

Images / Videos: None due to crash

Host or Client: Host

Players in your game: 1 (self)

Cpu: Intel(R) Core™ i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz
OsVersion: 10.0 Build: 19044
Memory: 32GB
Memory Available: >25GB
VideoCard: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
GpuDriverDate: 10-6-2021

From what I can tell, my crashes are happening as I get too close to either a control point that’s having issues or the known tick bug. Either way I have set my graphics to the lowest potato settings and it still drops the framerate to low 10’s before the game crashes out. Also I am unable to send reports due to the server not responding (I think that was what it said).

Maybe it’s due to some buffer that’s running full.
If not the RAM, maybe an internal buffer of the game.

Your knowledge of this is greater than mine. All I can say is that before the farmlands control points update it was rare for a crash (not unheard of but once in a blue moon). Currently and with no changes to the computer at all I can crash within minutes of approaching a control point or mass spawning of ticks.

Maybe it’s the graphics driver? It’s a little over 1 year old, update if possible

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Excellent idea. I never even thought to check this (my mindset of ‘If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it’ got in the way).
Currently updating to the latest version
|Version: |516.59 WHQL|
|Release Date: |2022.6.28|
|Operating System: |Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11|
|Language: |English (UK)|
|File Size: |784.7 MB |

and will keep you posted if it happens again.
All the best!

<edited to fix my typos because I am crap at typing!>

dang … it still crashed out tonight. Was leaving the Smultronstallet control point and was walking down the runway of f23 air base and loosing fps as I went, still set to potato graphics and it dropped down to 10fps … started climbing back to almost 20fps when it crashed out.

Current computer specs are:
Cpu: Intel(R) Core™ i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz
MemorySize: 34341339136
MemorySizeFree: 29151752192
OsVersion: 10.0 Build: 19044
VideoCard: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
GpuDriverDate: 6-23-2022
CrashUUID: f5ed90d9-1a12-48a7-8a89-6a8cc779ac7f

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Yes having the same issues, along with constant crashing.
I wish we could undo updates (as one can do with Windows).
Presently the game (after 2.5 years of playing) is no longer playable…


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I figured out nobody can goes to the control point near ôstervik called älgbacken control point. Everyone who tries that, the turrets etc in that base will activate from long distance, and the game will crash. I tried many times to run as fast as i could up to the base to destroy it, so i could get over that bug. But it is not possible. Before you reach the base it crash every time. I hope they soon will fix the problem

Im curious on how many FNIX bases you have active currently. I only ask because i faced this exact problem for a while when i had 7 max Level FNIX base. When i was taking them out, and leaving Algbacken for last, I noticed i could enter the area as normal without infinite ticks spawning and the game crashing like it normally did

Dont know what you mean with “Active”. If you mean like taken control over, then it is only a few. But maybe i will try to take over all other control points and leave älgbacken at last. But i dont hope the enemies can take the FNIX bases back again

I do mean taken over control points, hopefully it works since it appears both gnome ticks and infinite ticks are caused by the FNIX Bases.

I cant get throug the control points. The game is incredible full of bug. Finished a control point. Right after it crash. Then i tried another control point, it crashed in the middle of the fight at the control point. I just hope there is a way to remove my base support upgrade of the game. Or i need to remove all my game from steam and purchase GZ over again without the upgrade

That has nothing to do with the base support dlc.
Base assaults came with Landfall Update for forest region and New Dawn Update for farmlands. These were not optional.

Like @Madchaser says, purchasing the game again won’t help. Even uninstalling the DLC won’t help as the bases are (unfortunately) not optional but part of the last patch.

On console to get rid of them you have to reinstall the day 1 version from disc and play offline, but then you’re back to a 3yo game which is very different and your save game won’t work.

On PC I just don’t know if that’s even possible and wouldn’t recommend it.

I wish there was a way to roll back to a specific version but unfortunately I’m afraid were all stuck with this update and we’ll have to wait to see what the devs do next.

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I can only play the game on PC with steam. I will try with other control points, and wait with the control points that crash the game. Then i hope there is a fix on it. Like take down the control points from many miles away, so nothing can activate in the base. Or use the experimental grenade weapons with lots of grenades, and shoot the control point down very fast, as hope i can do it before it crash

The one and only time I had this, my game crashed when I was approaching control point Joängen.

Once I was back in the game I fast traveled to lilla hammarnäs and went there again directly. I had luck, no turret sounds and therefore no infinite ticks. I destroyed the base and kept on doing my job.