Game crashing for unkown reason

Hey there, recently I encountered a problem. Everytime I start the game it crashes on the first loading screen when the username is shown in the bottom right. I followed all the steps listed in this article but it didnt work. I dont know what I should do next :confused:
I used to play the game in 2019 and everything worked perfectly fine.

Update: I just logged in with another Account and the game worked fine. How can this be Account related?

A broken savegame file, due to the many updates in the meantime, I guess.

Am I right? You played it 2019, then stopped playing and now wanted to continue?

If that’s the case, then it would anyway be best to begin from the beginning, as so much changed since 2019.

The thing is i would love to play the game from my main steam account but i cant even load to the main menu but only until the first loading screen where i see my username. Is there any way to delete the old saevgame or smth?

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Avalanche Studios\GenerationZero\Saves<user-id>\

tysm man i used to delete the entire GenerationZero/ Folder but yours was correct and fixed the problem for me. You saved the evening for the boys, have a good one :smiley:



Solved, may be closed in my eyes.

Gotcha, closing report :+1:
