Game Editor Availability

Is there any possibility that a game editor will be made available to the player base in the near future so that player- made mods can be produced?

There is no mod support, yet.
Due to many existing issues in the game I don’t believe in any official mod support for future.

Out of curiousity, your post can be read a couple different ways, are you asking if there is a mod access like with Bethesda games, or are you asking for a bench to create mods for the various in game items?

On the off chance you are asking about mods as in similar to Bethesda games, highly unlikely that something like this will get support, as far as I’ve seen, the devs seem extremely opposed to something like this in GZ.

If you are asking about in game crafting, I wouldn’t doubt that weapon mods and vision modules will eventually have some sort of crafting access, might even be some weapons that can be crafted, as I’ve seen questions that seemed to hint in that direction of thought on the various surveys we’ve gotten over the last couple years.

So, the developers won’t develop the game, and they won’t let anyone else develop it either. Okay. Any idea why they’re extremely opposed?

The game is under constant development and updates have been released for the past 3 years.

The simple answer why there’s no game editor yet is due to the game engine being complicated to work with, and probably some legal issues. That’s about it.