Game Mechanics :

The list of options I would like to see added to the game are mainly settings options for console (xbox/playstation) . I want to see an option to enable/disable the motion blur in game, an option to enable/disable the aim assist in game as for console I feel like it is a feature that should be toggle-able in the settings. A dead-zone system implementation would be nice to allow more control diversity to players. The ability to have a custom control/button scheme for controllers on console would be a nice addition. One in-game feature I think needs to be added is the ability to reset your skill points if you would like to change the skills you have invested points into already as if you accidentally place a skill point into the wrong skill then you can’t change it after or later when you no longer want it. If it’s added then make it to where it resets all points. For my last request I would like to ask for the option to completely take off your character’s jacket.

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