Game not save my progression

hello that make many month that when i finish play the game doesn’t save my progression but ofc i wait for the game to auto save before leave but i still come back to the same point, i create a second account to see if it will maybe fix it but event there i can’t save. I don’t know what to do if someone can help please bc i love play this game with friends but it a pain to always lose all the exp i gain all the weapon and ammo i loot.

Check if Virus protection isn’t preventing the game to write to disk. Microsoft defender, or other anti-Virus programs. Just disable it and see if the game saves, if it does, set an exception for generation zero in the virus program.

Thanks for the tips i will see if that fix later, and thanks for have taken some time to respond to my problem

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If you’r on PC/Windows you may have OneDrive, or another cloud drive that’s runing in the background and tries to keep your Documents folder synced. OneDrive is realy starting to demand exclusive rights to files the last months whenever it reads your files.

But anyway, I always exit those applications before any type of gaming is started.