Game translation, portugese!

Boa Noite!!! Eu sou brasileira e jogo o generation zero a um tempo desde que o achei no gamepass do Xbox one…
Venho fazer uma observação sei que o publico de vocês é a maioria americana desse modo o jogo está sendo muito difícil de ser entendido por mim já que não tem tradução gostaria que vissem possibilidades de colocar tradução pra jogadores brasileiros já que esse jogo me conquistou inclusive me fazendo comprar DLCs que jamais comprei pra nenhum game e que ouvesse mais atualizações.

Goodnight!!! I’m Brazilian and I’ve been playing generation zero for a while since I found it on the Xbox one gamepass…
I came to make an observation, I know that your audience is the American majority, so the game is being very difficult for me to understand since there is no translation. making me buy DLCs that I never bought for any game and that I heard more updates.

Talvez seja altura de aprender Inglês não?
Maior parte dos jogos, series e filmes também são em Inglês.
Não estou a ser ofensivo, é a verdade.
Quando tinha 10 anos não percebia mt de Inglês, após 3 anos já entendia 90% de tudo o que diziam nos jogos e filmes.

(feel like a mod here - translation)

Maybe it’s time to learn English no?
Most games, series and movies are also in English.
I’m not being offensive, it’s the truth.
When I was 10 years old I didn’t understand a lot of English, after 3 years I already understood 90% of everything they said in games and movies.

But why do you reply in Portuguesa? :laughing:

What the hell?
If she doesnt understand english that well, why would i respond in english?
Makes no sense
Why the hell did you even translate both things!
Its super weird…
No one else would bother anyway, and anyone can use google translator.
WHY? Well im Portuguese (portuguesa is feminine) and Brazilian is almost the same thing.

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Thanks for replying. All the same, just tell them to use google translate. Feedback isn’t much use if the devs can’t understand what’s being said. The game would definitely benefit from being translated in more languages.

Since it’s good feedback, I’ve changed the title.

Just wanted to ‘help’ - that’s all.
I’m Dutch, but nobody will understand it if I reply in Dutch.
And Portuguese isn’t a World language.

Temperamento brasileiro :smiley:

You didnt help nobody
Anyone can translate
There are more Portuguese speaking users than “dutch” check your facts (at least 234 million users, 4 Continents), dutch is not even in the top 20.
And im Portuguese not Brazilian!
If i saw 2 Dutch speaking users in a side empty topic, i would leave it alone and not interfere, just makes no sense :confused: , at a general discussion topic, there i would translate i guess or call for a mod.

Haastige spoed is zelden goed :wink:

Interesting, pt-BR is one of the more common langs games get translated in (also because pt-PT users can normally understand it, too). Always good to have more loc in games, VO is a different topic because it’s expensive as hell.

Gotta say, though, adding a language post-launch is normally a lot of work and needs to come with marketing too (if the game doesn’t market itself like bigger titles), otherwise it will just go past most people. Especially that far in the life cycle it is kinda hard to get ROI on more localisation.

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To be exact and as mentioned before: this is a forum where english is the working language!

You Harold and Mr_A1992 were both wrong. Even though you both meant to help a person.
But the original poster should only be made aware that they need to translate their question into English with google. Otherwise this would keep happening. :coffee:


Ok, seems an endless conversation - I rest my case.