Generation Zero (2021) Oversaturated Mediocrity

No, you’ve misunderstood. Making a game is an art. Players aren’t artists and given their input, it turns out all they want is easy XP, guns and bosses. “Partnership” with the player base sounded like a good idea, except in practice it took the game into silly places that made no sense.

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I do agree to disagree. :coffee:


Cheers. Just popping in to make sure things don’t get too heated. I figured the title of this topic would draw certain interest.

Edit: Tbf the entirety of 2021 has been oversaturated by mediocrity, it’s been a bad year overall for software development and smaller production companies to keep up. Here’s hoping we’ll see the ball startng to roll again soon…

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Ah, I see. Thanks. About that partnership with the playerbase, I always said from the beginning that I hoped that the devs would always follow their own ideas and creativity. There are always some gamers who want things to be easier, that’s true. But I read somewhere above that some would like it harder (like it was in the beginning), no hand holding with waypoint markers. But I do believe that a game should be accessible with different levels of difficulty. So if player wouldn’t like waypoint markers, or hud information, this always should be optional (like it is now).


Yeah, amen to that. I’m more in the ‘I liked it better before FNIX Rising’ camp, but there’s no use in crying over spilt milk. The devs decided for the route we’re on right now, and I hope the feedback, positive and negative, will get the game back on track.


:innocent: Heated? I’m as cool as a cucumber. :rofl:

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Have you ever heard the saying never judge a book on it’s cover? You dont have to like the video, you dont have to agree with what I say in it, but it’s clear that you have a strong bias towards me. I do not hate the game, why does everyone suddenly think this? Do I dislike it’s current direction? Yes, that is why I have been doing my best to give the game reasonable feedback and criticsm. I’ve spent effort and time doing my best to properly explain the reasoning.

If the video was titled “Generation Zero (2021) it’s shit dont buy it” then of course that is biased because then I would already state my feelings on it. But the video is not titled that, I choose the current title because it brings up what I think is a problem with the game. And then spend the whole video going in-depth on that very thing.

You are biased because you share different thoughts than me, and that is totally okay. It’s like I’ve said before I welcome others’ opinions. I want a civil discussion about the game, but that cant be possible if people judge the video when they haven’t even seen it and try to make me sound like some heretic. My goal and intention has never been to ruin the experience for other people, It’s clear the game isn’t for me anymore that is why I stopped playing it after making the video. You’re just making me sound like a damn villan.

Edit: forgot to the add the qoute thing.


Why are you so obsessed with the title? The purpose of the title is to describe the work it goes with. It’s meant to give a general idea of what the video topic content is. What would you have preferred the title to be? I’ll agree that that a books cover can determine the viewer’s initiall impression, but you can’t judge the contents by the title alone.

But you’re not gonna watch it anyway so I’ll explain the title and why I choose it. The mediocrty comes from that features in the game are mostly added in a very basic form, and as it’s been said by the devs with features such as pretige points, base building, and daily/weekly challenges they are things that will be improved later. All the other examples are in the video, perhaps you should watch it to get the full picture. Anyway from a game design perspective, I came to the conclusion that most of the game’s features don’t really go beyond something that creates depth. With of course the time the game has been out for consideration. As I explain in the video I came to the conclusion that there is way too many features that simply, don’t really do much to create interesting way’s to interact with the game. All you really need to do is shoot and kill, not much of consequences if you fail something. You have a lot of guns, but eventually, you’ll just use whatever does the most damage in the meta. Hence oversaturated. The purpose of the video is to analyze and go over various elements of the game and try to come up with my own and other’s suggestions of ways to create more depth, fun, variation etc etc. To give reasonable feedback and criticism. And to hopefully bring out decent discussion. It’s not meant to shut other people down, if they wanna say something in the comments or choose to press the like or dislike button they are welcome to. If I didn’t care about what others said then those features would be turned off.

I mean no offense but I honestly do not understand this sentence as it’s quite long. Could you please elaborate on what you mean?


You must? Haha…

But seriously Sniper girl, I never understood why some people can not overcome that so called feeling of oversaturated mediocrity. My focus in this game was never on being a soldier, but as an explorer, survivor. In that role I searched every nook and cranny to discover all what was hidden in the game. But there was and is really nothing in the game that I would wanted changed on my behalf (except bugs). I for instance didn’t mind the devastation in the farmland at all, when a battle is fought there will be destruction, a no brainer for me.
For me a real survivor / fighter is the one who can adapt to adversity, and does not whimper when things do not go as they want. By adapting and accepting mishaps the game got me even more in its grasp. It felt more real.
I just today walked across the fields with the winter sun throwing long shadows of the High Voltage power lines, and made me happy. :sunglasses:


I have mostly watched the video and I have to agree on a lot of points.

I think more and more fo when I originally got and played the game and the feeling it had.
Certainly hundreds of hours will change something but i think it is more than that.

One of my main problems with the game is the way some things are just sort of left there and not improved on until much later (if that).

Some people do not care about story and that is fine. That does not however make any critiques into it not correct. The lack of effort into weapon packs story, the fact that that story based map changes are there at the beginng of the game. It all just leaves holes in the story. Not the kind with mystery, the kind that just make no sense.

I personally think a lot of the stuff is added because people asked for it. Sure feedback is a very crucial aspect of game development, but when it seemingly completely steers it? I agree with JoJo on many of his points on the game.

I still love the game and cannot wait to see what is next. I just think the game would have overall been better if a different approach had been taken.


Maybe you should take a step back and try to view this from the perspective of someone who saw the initial marketing, the interviews with the developers and the early gameplay trailers and decided the ‘whole package’ sounded good to them. They buy the game, they like it very much as-is (bugs aside). Then, after some time, things get added to the game that change the tone and interaction with the world, and, for that person, the changes do not work. They could stop playing the game because it is bad and they have better things to do, or they could voice their opinions and try to improve the game to their liking because they do like it very much.

I’m not very happy with the direction they’ve taken, and I said so on many occasions. I do like the game, else I wouldn’t be here. The thing is: Every player has their own preferences, and there’s no arguing about taste.

For me, the draw of the game was that it was slow, mysterious and threatening. If I wanted another Call of Duty or similar power fantasy, I’d be able to get that by clicking ‘Buy’ in Steam. I don’t. So when they change development to cater to more action-oriented players, I lose out. And there are not many alternatives, because the game is unique, for all the lost sales it entails with ‘Fortnite kiddies’.

So when other players voice their discontent, I tend to listen. I don’t need to agree with everything they say, but if someone takes several hours of their time to make a video, that’s out of passion, not because they’re trying to ruin it for everybody.


Hi Gzbugs,

I was not sure to who you were talking, but I read your post with interest. When I said that I don’t mind feedback, I meant feedback like you did here. It does not feel negative at all. And indeed there is no arguing over taste. People like Sniper Girl feel the same about the game as I do. We want to tell how good it is, instead of how bad it is.

So I at least will take a step back, and stop reacting in this topic. Maybe muting this topic and poster, can assist me with that. With Aesyle gone the forum felt never the same for me, but it’s still difficult to totally step back, I’m not ready for that yet.


It was mainly meant as a reply to @Snipergirl - while I can see why she doesn’t like the ‘negativity’ of the video title, hiding behind snarky, petulant remarks doesn’t feel conducive to a constructive discussion. It’s one thing to counter arguments with a well-formulated opinion, but taking ‘tee-hee’ potshots doesn’t help at all.

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But now you doing it to her… see how easy you can go astray. :frowning_face:


Damn you guys are still on that…

Actually i got to say, although valid points are mentioned i dont like the tittle of the video, that name might provoke conflict as we can see, and besides, the game is not mediocre at all.
But it has flaws, and the way the devs handled the last 2 years is not right, with constant delays and lots of bugs.
Those are facts and its not good for the development of a game and to attract and maintain players.
And then we have the direction which the Team choose for the game, and here we have many pros and cons, its a difficult and mostly gray area, almost no one is pleased with 100% of the changes.
But as long people are not being offensive, they have the right to give opinions and to explain them, because there are different ways to see it and to play the game.
In fact as stated by some users above, if people loose time writing over here, it´s because they find it important to talk about the game, which is the reason we are all here.

The way I see it, we are constantly trying to upgrade the game and to improve it, but not everyone agrees with each other and in the end its up to the devs.


Yep, spot on. I’m hoping it’ll cool down a little - these discussions need to take place. When the people that are passionate about the direction and development of the game leave, the game is dead and done for. They keep the community awake, they give feedback, they guide newcomers. When they quit, the ‘labor of love’ that keeps this place going will be gone too. At least that’s what I’m afraid of.


I do not neccerelly agree with that, but I do understand the point. Generation Zero does have a foundation for a theoretical fun game depending on the audience it wants to present to. I feel like most of the features are mediocre “now” because nothing is really fleshed out much in what I think is interesting. It can grow out of that, but considering the whole listen to the loudest voices and base of that as sated in the video. It leads to that big divide that results in extremely different thoughts of how the game should be right now. Of course if people find fun in the game now then it is good for them, but it only proves that GZ isn’t for me anymore or people who shared similar thoughts.

This, this is why I made the video in a way. It’s a reaction as I come from the perspective that many of us who were sold on the original idea and tone of the game are slowly getting phased out due to it’s massive toneshift in how the story is presented and how the gameplay is. Because to me, it doesn’t feel like the same game anymore, that I bought with my own money.

My goal with Oversaturated Mediocirty and it’s predecessor my Generation Zero 2020 Content Review, was to simply voice my opinion and of course my feedback and criticism. I loved Generation Zero part of me still do. Yes I could just have left my mouth shut and simply never done anything and silently left. But that wouldn’t be productive, so the goal was to spark a conversation and discussion with my videos.

If anything I’m happy for the people who love the game regardless, or love the new direction. Then It’s a game for them and I cant take that away. I cant personally recommend the game but if I see someone play it, then I wont stop them.

I welcome people with other perspectives, that is why I posted the video on the forums. No one has to agree with anything I say. But I’m getting tired of people calling me a hater without much effort in their reasoning. We should be able to voice our thoughts, it’s literally the definition of the forums. Regardless if we agree or not, but there should be discussion without making it personal that doesn’t have to do with the game.


The game is no longer “new” some might find it less interesting now after so much time without anything do draw them in and it still feels unfinished, i get that.
I havent played GZ since since July, lack of updates and having crashes on the DLC island are a turn of.
Long are the days I dreamed about new island DLCs.
Now i just hope they fix the crashes and the remaining 3 main regions revamps.
I really hope the devs keep that compromise alive and deliver it, looking forward for a early 2022 3rd video from you saying " GZ from over-saturated to OK come back"

PS: I´l Pm some mediocre games prepare yourself.


It will probably not be that, and even longer than early 2022. But I’m really glad that you’re looking forward to something. Nothing is set in stone, but the general outline is currently that there will be a quick overview of the new content that has been added, then a more objective review that will be more about the content itself rather then how it goes along with the old or new tone.

But like I said that it is just a thought, I havent decided anything yet. I wanna wait a long time for me to have a geniune reason to pick up the game again, so it doesn’t end up super biased. There will be some bias naturally, but I will do my best to keep it at a resonable level. So the third video might be thing, just not a prioirty right now,

Thanks, I’m curious what you’ll say.

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:joy::joy::joy: Spot on, Spot on! :ok_hand:

I beat a tank up with my BAT and thought “this makes no sense, where’s the fear factor?!”

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