I’ve been looking into experimenting with mods. I know the risks to my save is all mine etc. I expect that. But I can’t get Generation Zero to load anything. I can’t get a null “changes nothing at all” mod to load. Searching around hasn’t turned up anything helpful.
In short, I’ve added the long “–vfs-fs dropzone --vfs-archive archives_win64/initial --vfs-archive archives_win64/supplemental --vfs-archive archives_win64/optional --vfs-fs” string to the start parameters in Steam, and once that’s there the game no longer runs. No startup screen, nothing at all. Take that line out, it’s back to normal. I can’t get any mod to load.
My question is what am I doing wrong here? Those of you who do use mods (reshade, whatever) how do you manage to load the game?