Give me ideas for a New robot

I’m trying to create a new enemy robot, give me ideas on how to do it (Exterior part, not its functionalities. To have functionalities I need the robot ready first)

TBH I think they need to keep the terminator theme song’s idea and give us man sized bots. Could be still partially wearing the poor soul it’s using the brain from rather then remote link like the others. Allow them to organize the others to chase us rather then just waiting to see us. This may help you with the parts shown a lil since chunks of a human can be subbed in at total random for different models or units. Could even recycle the tick helmet. Have it as a damageable part that flies off to reveal a brain case. Only weakness could be it’s a melee only attack but possessed the reaper shield. The rest of the fnix bits from the players outfit could be placed as armor that has to be destroyed 1st. Not sure if a runner chest could be turned upright to imitate a human core. That’s where I get hung up.

social distancing robot, pepper the robot tells people to social distancing at grocery store, But, what will happen if FNIX gets a hold of him & turns him bad robot

the kunsgarden grocery stores in the towns in the game, the green signs, let’s open those grocery stores up :slightly_smiling_face: walk inside, and put stuff on shelf’s that can be picked up, maybe a merchant guy, pepper robot, etc

maybe 1 of those grocery stores can be built up & protected like base defence missions

Oh there are some of them in the world open just like you wrote.