Gnome mask confirmed after Showdown update!

the rules don’t apply for this gnome to spawn, this gnome spawns for everyone, :sob: , the problem is, I shoot mine already, and I don’t think I’ll get another one

When I saw the gnome I shot it and my loot was a tickpod. But I have all masks
so no need really to try and get it spawned again. But for fun sake I will look for it again.

alright :slightly_smiling_face: testing this out, threw down some field radios, came back, a couple hours later, they do reset with the loot boxes, apparently


Then, my 2nd approach obviously was too early.
Btw. I lead my mate to that place. While I couldnt see it this time, he (guest) was able to see it, but couldnt activate it.

it’s gonna be time consuming :sob: for people that don’t have all 7 mask, the older gnomes can be shoot multiple times for all in the same game, 100s of destroyed gnome ticks inside the room :rofl: trying to sort out all the ticks and there button commands & searching threw useless ammo and we’re are those masks at, :slightly_smiling_face: watching multiplayer peoples searching threw all the ticks for those missing mask, those were the good days

Still not convinced it just resets as other loot. Been there several times and is it Daytime = no gnome, Night = gnome.
2 out of 4 have just given me ammo, 1 gave me 5C barrel extension and pistol magazine, 1 gave the mask.
The good loot has always been midnight in game and IRL, followed several advises from the old thread about the gnomes and the masks, so far it seems correct. Only around midnight in game is when I get the ammo.
Will continue to keep an eye on that place, and the old ones where tick gnomes spawned.

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The gnome loot is RNG. When I got the masks, we had a random chance to get the mask. But in those days we had more places to find gnomes. and still it took a lot of time.

And spawn a lot of them in those locations!

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trying to sort though all the button commands WITH each search :rofl::rofl::rofl: did I search that gnome yet, sometimes you just have to pick up everything, just to sort though them all faster, :dizzy_face: , but I don’t wanna pick up ammo I don’t use lol

A short moment of happines I guess, what did I just found at the gnome?

Next milisecond I got kicked way far down the cliff by a Apocalypse Runner.
I had a radio near the ruins, teleported back up instant but the gnome and the loot I hadn’t taken was gone. :cry:

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Wasn’t it the great Chinese War general who said: “In war you have to be on your toes and have eyes in the back of your head”. :crazy_face:

Been searching for any other possible spawn point without success. I had a house somewhere that always had 2 gnomes in the yard but it seems like they are gone.
Old reported Gnome(-tick) locations isn’t spawning any gnomes or they are not a place anymore.

What I observed and learnd from the new gnome location is that resets with the loot a.k.a 4 hours?
It seems that we need to visit the place at night, and it needs to be machines present in close area for the nice loot. Machines I’ve had so far is all Apocalypse class and either its a Seeker, Seeker + Hunter or 3 Runners.

Without any machines near you will find the gnome and it will turn but the loot is just regular loot like 100 rounds 7.62 FMJ, 12 Rounds .50-cal AP or 1 (one) Advanced First Aid.

With Machines, that sometimes also trigger the Gnome-tick spawn before you reach the house when you hear it scream, you better run! It will selfdestruct and disappears quite quickly.

Made about 12+ something test and so far I have 2 gnome masks and a gnome-tick pod, my 1st pod I lost (see above) but got another later.


Is there any way to download older versions of the game ? Or some way to duplicate the gnome pods ?

No. No way to do that.

Can update with some more observations done.

It’s not just the night, hit the place at late night for success and when it’s snow or at least very frosty in the grass.

Then the machines also, got a new combo of 2 Seekers + 5 Hunters, all APO class so the smell of burnt resistance meat mixed with napalmwas thick in the air.

Also had some trios of FNIX runners with only a slight frost, almost green grass.
Don’t bother! You’ll only get disappointment as reward.

So far 4 Gnome masks, one was a duplicate so if it was 7 it will take some time to collect them.


@Saazm, Do you have to shoot it twice? And what do you use to shoot the gnome.

Sometimes it spawns as a tick-gnome before I’m even close and start runing around the house. Like it’s triggerd by either the APO machines getting to close or the APO Hunter shoots their gas grenade to close(?) or the seekers alarm going on. Never seen the tick-gnome attack any of the machines.
Other times I’ve been standing over it without the gnome turning, then I just put a bullet into it and it spawn. Then another to make the scream to shut up.

I think I’ve only fired 3 different weapons when I’ve been there, the Möller PP, the COM10 and the Exp.Al76. I’m sure that I had the gnome-mask both from the MöllerPP and the Exp.Al76 kills, so I don’t belive weapon choice has a impact on what you get.

When I was there, I had to shoot at him each time.
Before that he didn’t do anything.
The last times I was there, I had none machines at all there, or just about three seekers. Runners we’re rare, If at all, hunters have never been there.

But I must admit that I just was there about 5 times.

How many different masks are there? Same number and the collectables?

7 masks.

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