Great Game keep it up. some suggestions

just some gameplay/aspect suggestions. Love the gameplay love the descreet story telling.
Give us HUD on/off/customizations options. Awerness of enemy awerness options. thought these would be easy/fast to implement and welcomed by player.
pc first! pc first!


So much yes to this. This is one of my biggest gripes with the game. If there was an option to turn off the awareness indicators I would do it in a heartbeat. I went to look for the option after fighting the very first dog without hesitation thinking it would be there already.

It would add so much to the immersion and increase the need to be on your toes at all times. Also, it would increase the need to use your ears rather than just “oh, I’m being seen from that exact direction.” I love it when they scare the hell out of me, more of that please! :stuck_out_tongue:


The awareness hud is op, and you never are startled the way you could be. Maybe make it a perk, and/or bots that sneak or are assassin like.


I feel it would be better suited as a completely optional on/off setting only for sake of accessibility.

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It is op, but the game does seem very flexible, see no reason for the setting not to be added. If this gets the ok for modding (the team be working on a ton of stuff for sure) be added np.

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Yes! More options on the HUD, should be able to turn off crosshair and enemy awarness!


Yes please add option to remove the enemy awerness indicator :slight_smile: