Gun remplacement bug

Platform: PC

Steps To Reproduce: equip experimental AG4, with 5C 1-4 scope, 3C mag, 5c silencer, Thermal/NV attachment. pick up 1C AG5 right outside saltholmen church. 

Images / Videos: none. i do have  a savegame ith the experimental AG4, but it's several hours back in time.

Host or Client: Host, solo game

Players in your game: me. solo game.

Specifications: i had picked up the e-ag4 wayyy back when i started the game, right when rivals came out. i do not have another one. all it's attachments were 5C except the mag. it had a 1-4 rifle scope, rifle silencer, thermal/NV attachment. 

it straight up dissapeared when i pickedup the ag5.  basically: i walk over, pick up the 1c ag5 on the floor, it equips itself in my hotbar. i check my inventory: my gun (and my fun playing that sesh) is completely and totally gone, no ammo, no attachments. 

really, really sucks...