Hacks for the game?

Post needs merging…

Alright so I have no idea if this is a hack or a bugged player but I joined a random player and I saw he was mid-land so I thought I’d check his stats to see what level he was at. He’s level 9 but has every skill unlocked?? I asked him about it but then he booted me from the game, took screenshots before I did so I had proof.

Here’s my stats, LV 11, what skills I have unlocked is green.

His stats, LV 9, has EVERY skill unlocked.

Is it even possible to unlock them all?

His steam profile is privated, Suspicious…

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Good question. I haven’t played very long, but I thought leveling was the way to get skill points. If it’s possible to unlock them all I don’t think it’s at level 10 tbh.

If it was legit, I wouldn’t think the guy would boot you, and would tell you what he did, you know, bragging points and all that

It is the only way to get skill points but since i ran into him again in another lobby and checked his stats, it still says the same but now hes level 10…

and booted me again…

Don’t worry he’ll probs be one of the ones complaining the game is too easy and that the rest of us plebs need to git gud.

Or if he’s smart, not play anymore sessions with anyone else, because he stupidly forgot that other people can view his stats.

When continuing your game, it automatically sets it so anyone can join till you change it manually, could just have forgotten… twice…

not possible without cheating … also unlocking everything will create some issues for them hehe.

But yea i have seen cheats out since day 2 at least. not really hard to do in this game really though

It’s the 1.2 version. When the developer’s make new version it will be harder to make a hack

you will always find cheaters

For sure a script. How ever they can’t really ruin it for any others players because it is a co-op experience. If anything they’re cheating themselves and making it so they get less out of the game. I don’t think any action can be taken against them.

Good I found this topic, since I just stumbled upon this fella tonight. First time I’ve seen it, wasn’t sure if it was a display bug on the TEAM screen, or if the player had cheated and unlocked all skills.

Follow up. Today I got another suspicious player joining me. According to the TEAM screen, he was max lvl, had all skills, zero deaths and had killed 200+ machines.
I don’t know, but is the TEAM screen bugged, or are these real cheaters? I would like to know.

Yeah, there exists a few trainers for the game that allows you to max out stats, get infinite ammo, etc. IMO it ruins the core game experience, but it doesn’t really offer an unfair advantage over other players so it’s not prohibited.

So, the game is not anti-cheat protected. It’s also not PvP. You joined someone else’s game and he’s clearly running a trainer or something that gives 99 or 999 skill points or something like that but hey, that’s his game. No need to go all doxxer on his ass. It’s not like its a big deal. If it was the game would come with VAC or BattleEye or something.

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