Halloween update suggestion 🎃

I figured i should post this now than late

A Halloween update is not only temporary cosmetics for the machines and players, I was thinking of something bigger, An event that takes the form of a ‘main mission’ and have the player(s) go through a horror mansion where they solve puzzles and uncover the mysteries of the count Tankula

The mansion would be better if the player started with 0 inventory and are only limited to what the mansion gives them inside, If they brought their walker companion with them, Their A.I would act all scared and shaking Scooby-Doo style and does not attack or stray far from their owner

One problem i’d like to address is the way GZ handle quests that tells players to “Search” or “Look for” as they literally point them at where the objective item is instead of having the players find it themselves, Denying the sense of investigation, If it remain, Then there would be no mystery or secrets in the mansion as the game would point out where to look or where to click

As for enemies in the mansion, I’d prefer keeping the machines, The only difference is some of their parts got covered in the theme, examples like the Walkers having a white sheet covering them like a ghost, or Hunters having medieval knight armor or skeleton bones and a skull, or Ticks wearing rat hides

I would love to hear your opinions on it or even add more ideas

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Oh my its October already?

Well, they could introduce Terminator like machines with a lot of buffed Health that could even shoot other machines.
Instead of a mansion, a mission at an abandoned facility underground that is like a labyrinth

Like failed prototypes, too much dangerous even to the machines, roam the facility and attack anyone…anything

And as a bonus after the mission is over, they will appear randomly on the map, attacking anything and capable of downing most machines. :warning: :skull:

It would be fun, but it would take a lot of time for them to make the new machine and everything else.


I was thinking of a deep bunker, But then again i remembered the Church organs that plays the GZ theme and it is asking to be put in a spooky dark mansion

There could be a chapel in the bunker with an organ and a few benches…
Maybe another Iron church location?

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Off-topic removed.



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a grocery store decorated in Halloween :cold_face: stuff, maybe Halloween candies, semlas with orange paste color and some ghost candies on the top

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I know, I know, :pensive: my ideas are stupid, owell, it is what it is

The reason i flagged your previous posts is not because it is “Stupid”

Not only did you post 3 things in 3 different replies (For some, it is considered spamming) which could’ve been written all in one post, But none of what you wrote is related to Halloween, Which falls as off-topic in this subject

I’ve read your previous ideas and i find them decent, it only require a separate topic post of it’s own

You’re still welcome to add ideas for Halloween update here, it just have to be relevant to Halloween itself and it’s theme